Hi Prentice, wait what?

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Hiiiii! I am so so so so so sorry I skipped a day and  gave you a super short chapter! I will try to make this chapter a lot longer! Byyyye!



Jolie pulled out her imparter. "Show me Prentice." she muttered.

The imparter screen swirled and swirled until a face popped up. The person had pale white, wrinkled skin like he was eating too many ruckleberries and messy grayish hair piled in a heap on his head.

That was not  Prentice.


Mr. Forkle's POV:

Prentice's imparter was beeping, so I grabbed it and accepted the call. But the person who was on the screen was completely surprising.

She had long blonde hair to her waist and wide turquoise eyes. She had a silvery cape and a matching tunic and she looked like she was in a dorm room.

Jolie Ruewen.

We had been trying to recruit her, but a week ago, she had declined our offer. Prentice said that she had made up her mind, so why would she call?

"Who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Mr. Forkle. I'm guessing you are Jolie Ruewen."

"How did you-you know what, that isn't surprising anymore."

I silently chuckled. "I'm sure thats true. Now, why did you call, Ms. Ruewen?"

"I...need to talk with Prentice. Or anyone from the black swan, really."

"Well, dear, I am a part of the black swan. A leader of it in fact.."

"Really? Then I guess you can explain this?" She held up a piece of yellowish paper with writing on it;

Jolie Ruewen,

Come with us and you won't regret it.

That was all it said. No signature or address or anything. "I'm sorry, but we didn't-" I started.

"Did you send it?"

"Of course not!"

"Then do you know who did? Who's trying to recruit me, other than you guys?"

I sighed. Only one other band of rebels could have done this. The Neverseen.

"Jolie, what if I told you there was a bunch of rebels trying to destroy the Lost Cities and we were trying to stop it?"

Her big blue eyes widened even more. "Your not saying..."


Jolie's POV:

The Neverseen. The Neverseen. The Never seen. 

Jolie thought about it. Why would the Neverseen want her, of all people? Sure, she had a not-so-useful ability, but other than that, why?

But, even though the lost cities was cruel- especially their match system-, it was her home. The only home she knew. And most importantly, it had the people she loved and cared about.

Sorl, Melina, Grady, Edaline, her grandparents, and Brant.

She couldn't let any of them die. She loved all of them so much.

No way was she letting those dumb elves destroy her home, her friends, her family. She wasn't going to stand by staring.

Even if she did go down, she'd know it was for the better. For her friends, her family, her parents, for Brant.

And she couldn't let them die. Even if she did. This was the right choice. It.was the best choice. Maybe the hard one, but the right one. 

And that was all that mattered. She could do this. And she would do it.

"Mr. Forkle," She said. "I want to join the Black Swan."


By the way this is the last Black Swan chpt with Jolie in it! 

Do you want me to do a chpt with Brant joining the Neverseen?

When the flame sparks (kotlc fanfic : jolie ruewen)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن