Who sent this?

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Hiiiiii! I have 37 READS! Like, WOW! I only started this story, like 5 days ago and I have 37 READS! I love you guys! Please comment! Thanks!



The next day, all Jolie could think about was the talk with Prentice. She sighed as she pulled out her school bag and her homework. A small slip of paper fell out of the stacks of homework.


She unfolded the note

Jolie Ruewen,

Join us. Embrace us. Fight with us

Don't give up on us.

It had no sender number or a a name. So who sent it? The black swan? How persistent were they? She wasn't going to join a rebel gand with a bunch of powerful, against literally most of the lost cities, and possibly mad members.(*me cringing while writing this* I'm sorryyyy)

She'd told them, no.

And no means no. Yet, they sent her a note. And she wasn't going to join, even though Prentice sounded promising, absolutely not.

But the next day, she got another one.

Jolie Ruewen,

Joining us, is embracing your heart. It is being true to your soul.


She didn't want to join! 

But she got more and more notes...

Jolie Ruewen,

You will come soon.


Jolie Ruewen,

You  will not regret this.


Jolie Ruewen,

This is the right descision.


Jolie Ruewen,

Be true to yourself.


Each time she got another stupid note, she crumpled it up and threw it out the window. But they kept coming.

There was only one solution.

She had to confront Prentice.

When the flame sparks (kotlc fanfic : jolie ruewen)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें