End of Arc 2 / Start of Arc 3 "Arc 2 Epilogue" + Authors Notes.

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Important [AN] at the end!
{Arc 2 Epilogue}

The sun was just beginning to set. Aiko strode through one of the castle's deserted hallways. Its cold stone walls were painted a brilliant orange by the sun's dying rays. The dark shadows that lay over the areas not lit by the sun contrasted beautifully with the light.

Aiko was admiring the sunset when suddenly she heard footsteps. She came to a stop, wondering who it was. She looked in front of her and saw a female figure hiding in the shadows. The figure was standing in the middle of the hallway, her back ramrod straight. She was wearing the traditional garb of an Ehit priestess.

She spoke in a beautiful, but eerily inorganic voice.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Aiko Hatayama. I have come to collect you." The woman's robotic voice sent chills down Aiko's spine.

"Umm, nice to meet you? What do you mean you've come to collect me? I was just about to go eat dinner with my students."

"I'm afraid your plans have been changed. You must accompany me to the temple."


The woman stated it as a command, not a question. She stepped out of the shadows, and Aiko got a good look at her for the first time. Aiko gasped when she saw who it was. Her supernatural beauty left Aiko awestruck.

Silver hair that scintillated in the sunlight, striking blue eyes, and an ageless appearance that made her seem like both a mature woman and a little girl at the same time. She was the perfect embodiment of feminine beauty. She was tall for a woman, almost 170 centimeters. Aiko had to crane her neck to look up at her. Her skin was like fine porcelain, and her limbs were slender. Her breasts were modest, but not small. They fit her frame perfectly.

However, her face was utterly expressionless. So much so that it seemed like she was wearing a mask. She had the kind of beauty that stirred artists, but at the same time, she seemed entirely artificial.

The woman continued speaking.
"My master is displeased with what you are attempting to do. They would find it much more... interesting, if your students continued down their current path. Thus, I must remove you from the game board until events have run their course."

"Wh-What are you..."

The woman took a few steps forward. Aiko took a few steps back. The woman's priestess robe rustled and her eyes glimmered. A second later, a haze descended upon Aiko's consciousness. She instinctively focused her mind, like she did when she was trying to cast magic, making the haze disperse.

"I understand now. You truly are worthy of the title 'goddess.' To think you could repel my charm. Very well, I suppose I shall have to take you back by force."

"S-Stay back! Wh-What are you after!?" Aiko began chanting a spell. However, before she could finish, the woman closed the distance between them and slammed her fist into Aiko's solar plexus.

As she felt her consciousness slip away, Aiko could faintly make out the last words the woman said.

"Fear not. I won't kill you. You are a very precious pawn. Plus, your abilities may be required later in eliminating that irregular summon."

Hajime's face flashed in her mind. Even though she knew there was no way her voice could reach him, she tried to warn him before her consciousness was completely swallowed up.


"Hmm?" The woman picked Aiko up as easily as she would a feather and threw the teacher over her shoulder. She then turned around, looking behind her suspiciously. After a few minutes of careful scrutiny, she walked up to one of the guest chambers and opened the door.

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