01 : Missus Moretti.

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"So, what color are we going for today ?"

Alina puckered her lips, giving small kisses in the air as she looked at the propositions before picking one.

"This one, it looks cute."

The nail technician nodded, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

"Every two weeks Missus Moretti never misses an appointment.. Honestly, I'd be worried if I didn't see you."

Alina only snorted, staring at her hands.

"Don't worry you'll always see me.. I'm being taken care of really well."

"Victor, huh ?"

Alina sighed dreamily, lightly cocking her head sideways.

"I love, love, love, love~ my husband, and it just seems like his love language seems is his bank account." She said.

"Really out there winning at life."

She shrugged and changed the topic, both of them exchanging gossips.

Alina's life was peaceful, a small routine that she could break out of whenever she felt like it.

Every morning she fixed her husband's tie, told him goodbye and then left for her pilates class.

She'd usually eat outside for lunch, in the afternoon do the groceries, or whatever she felt like doing.

Then she'd get home, prepare dinner for her husband and watch her favorite shows until she felt sleepy.

Not more, not less.

She just sat on her ass and let things come to her.

She was twenty-six years-old, married to fifty-one years-old man.

Gross, some might say.

But when you come from poverty, have no education but a pretty face, you don't really get another choice.

You do whatever it takes for the money.

Alina paid for her nails and went to eat lunch peacefully, scrolling through her phone the whole time before heading to the grocery shop.

She got lucky with Victor, he didn't have kids, his first wife died in a car crash while she was carrying their baby, who didn't make it.

Since then, Victor associated pregnancy with death, and has never asked for a child due to his untreated PTSD.

Really won at life.

She was already on his testimony, and though he had other family members, she managed to gaslight him into believing all of them didn't want him to be happy, that's why they didn't like her, cutting ties with him.

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