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In which Adam finally ends his relationship with Brielle, but is thankful to her for the relationship despite it not working and finally wishing her well in the future.


Part 3 of the Enchanted Series loosely based on some aspects of Adam's Brielle song.

(See the end of the work for .)

Enchanted Series

Part 4: Brielle

Adam slowly ventured from his position and roamed over to the front lawn of his home after saying goodbye to his parents. His parents closed it slowly behind them after saying a tearful goodbye one final time. Adam glanced at the door, thinking about his next actions, what happens now. He debated going in and confronting his parents one more time and ask them if what he was doing was even considered sane, but he couldn't find the strength to move.

"Adam?" said a soft voice behind him. Adam's dark eyes met with light blue ones. Brielle was clutching her hands in front of her, her eyes were full of sadness. Adam eyed her in confusion.

"Can I speak to you, in private please," she said, turning in the direction of his car that was parked in front of the driveway. Adam followed her as she walked and sat on top of the hood. She turned around and faced him when they arrived. Adam had a feeling about what she wanted to speak about. She was probably infuriated about the whole situation and was going to take her anger out on him. Adam prepared himself for the worst.


"I'm so sorry Adam," she said, throwing her hands over her eyes. Her outburst startled Adam.

"What?" he asked flustered. Sobs racked the poor girl in front of him.

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long, I was here, but I also wasn't." Brielle removed her hands from her eyes, revealing the crystal tears falling from them. Adam rushed to her side and held her to him, trying to provide some form of comfort. Brielle tried to speak through her tears.

"You were always the dreamer, the one who felt like he would make a difference in this world. But I only know this life, I only know what it feels like to be satisfied with living in a blue collared cow town with four walls and a roof to take me to satisfaction. But you always dreamed of more and because of that I hated you for a while. I don't like hating people Adam," she howled. Adam said nothing as he let her finish her weeping. After a few moments, Brielle pulled away, looking at anywhere but him.

"Since we were young," she started, "I have held feelings for you. When High School came, I thought we would stay the same, but we didn't. You became a dreamer and I stayed who I was and always will be. You weren't the same boy I once knew. But then I realized how selfish I was, how I wanted you to be the same person even when I knew you couldn't be."

Adam reached out for the girl, but she flinched away. A small giggle escaped her mouth that confused the brown haired man.

"It's funny really. I always thought we would be together, that nothing would change between us or within this town. It's funny to think I was wrong. Things change, YOU are proof of that. You met new people while I was gone too." Adam thought back to how Brielle was absent in their relationship for at least two years. She was right; things have changed, whether we like them to or not, it was inevitable. Brielle inched closer to Adam and cupped his cheek with her hand, a sad smile on her face.

"There is an old saying, "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours." I kept you Adam, because I thought you'd happier with me. In reality, I should have let you go, but I've held onto you all these years, making you unhappy," a stray tear fell from her eye, "Now, I think it's time I let you go."

Adam cupped his hand over hers. It must have taken her a lot of courage to say these things to him. Adam pulled his childhood friend into his arms and held her tightly. He could feel her tears sinking into his overcoat. The two enjoyed each other's silence a bit longer. Brielle pulled out of Adam's arms and wiped away a couple tears.

"So now what?" he asked. Brielle laughed at him. Seeing his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, laughing so happily caused him to join in. It was sad, but this was probably the happiest he has seen her in a long time. Brielle stilled her laugh and smiled at the man before her.

"We continue being friends," she said with no hesitation. Adam smiled in response.

"I'd like that."

Brielle sighed loudly, clapping her arms against her sides.

"Now, I don't know about you, but there is whole wide world out there waiting for Adam Randal Young to take the stage and blow them all away." Adam nodded, understandingly as Brielle pointed out to the long unwinding road ahead of him. The two friends walked away from the hood, feeling a huge weight being taken off their shoulders. They went their separate ways, Adam to the unexpecting future and Brielle down the road to her house.

Martha, Brielle's older sister, stood at the bottom step of their house, holding her arms out to her little sister. Brielle fell into her sister's chest, allowing what little tears she had left fall from her eyes. Martha whispered comforting words to her as she stroked her white hair.

"For the first time in years," she whispered, "I feel truly happy, Martha."

Martha smiled, she and Brielle looking down the road to see Adam's car finally be lost by the distance pulling them apart, they knew he was gonna be okay.

The West Coast was now waiting for a dreamer to arrive.


Up Next:
Part 5: Tell Me Why
-In which James calls Taylor out of the blue claiming he still loves her, but Taylor isn't falling for that bullshit anymore.

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