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In which Adam speaks out on a relationship with a girl named Brielle who doesn't really take their relationship seriously and makes him feel invisible, but finds the strength to end it all.


Part 2 of the Enchanted Series loosely based on some aspects of Adam's Silhouette song.

(See the end of the work for .)

Work Text:

Enchanted Series

Part 2: Silhouette

If one would ask what Adam's favourite word would be, he would say "wonderstruck", just the fact of being wonderstruck by the most beautiful aspects of life would be enough to lull him to a serendipitous form of unattainable bliss. His imagination would grow cavalier and take him away from the barest form of earth and bring him to places only a poet could dream of. Any 21-year old would take this in strife and change their perception for the better.

Some would say this type of imagination would get him nowhere, that it would be his downfall, some optimistic one's would say it was his best quality. But there was one person he knew whose opinion mattered a little bit more than the average friend or acquaintance.

Brielle "Bri" Williams, his girlfriend for four years. Happy years? Depends on the occasion, apparently.

It all started out so well, nice walks out in the humid summer evenings, chasing fireflies across the lakefront and dancing in the moonlit porch of his parent's balcony.

A fairytale only one can dream of... Until it became yet another page of unwritten melodies in their husk of a relationship.

To be honest, he wasn't sure what went wrong, they just stopped.

No arguments.

No communication.

No tears or wails.


It was eerie and deafening all in one and Adam was powerless on how to break free from this ominous barrier enclosing both of them.

Yet, despite that she would always come to his house and sit comfortably on the chaise next to the balcony window, staring unseeingly to the distant waters of the lakefront. Never talking, never uttering a single word, never acknowledging his existence.

He felt... invisible.

For most of his life, Adam didn't care what people thought, never taking their comments as gospels from an almighty God. He just took them as colorful words of description to his already colorful personality, to be honest, he thought of them as compliments one way or another.

But somehow Brielle felt like an exception of that rule. She saw him at his lowest points and his highest ones, she was there when he aced his SAT's, she was there when he graduated high school with honors, she was there when he got accepted into a posh music school in New York that he had no idea he wanted to go to in the first place.

She was there for every accomplishment so far and yet, he feels her drift away ever so slowly as he tries to grasp the invisible string tying them together.

Invisible strings...

He always believed in destiny, horoscopes and astrological signs, that kind of jazz. It was a lovely thought as he thought of his relationship with Bri, the lovely idea of being destined with someone and tethered to them with an invisible string of fate.

Now, it felt like a bunch of bullshit as he sighed and continued to tap the pencil, he was holding on the notepad he had while sitting on his desk, eyes glancing towards Bri from time-to-time.

He read that the string would never break, it would crumple and weather, but it would never break. A symbolism in which personified the love of both parties, no matter how far, no matter what the challenges were, they would find each other in the end.

But what about them?

Has the string snapped?

Was he now a mere silhouette casted upon her more significant shadow?

Was this a cruel sign of the universe that they were not meant to be.

Or perhaps...


That couldn't be.

But the thought stayed in his mind as he dropped his pencil absentmindedly.

There never was a string.


Adam turned from his seat and looked towards Bri with a slightly alarming gaze. Years of happiness, of tears and joy, of love and hurt, they just never were meant for each other.

They were just kidding themselves as they continued this charade. For the sake of each other or for the sake of themselves? Honestly, it could be both.

He locked eyes with Bri as she looked at him with those calming hazel eyes of hers. She could see the understanding in his eyes, the clarity, the honesty, the epiphany.

She smiled and for the first time the room lit up, in a melancholic way, if that were possible at all.

She drew nearer to him as she fixed her robin's egg summer dress, her grandmother's, he believes.

She placed a hand on his cheek, it felt colder now than before.

A soft smile of understanding passed through her features.

She knew it was over too.

With one final kiss on the cheek, she left the room.

An eerie quiet spread through the room, it was deafening.

But a melancholic smile spread through Adam's face.

A new beginning.

A new chance.

A new adventure.

To find that other end of his invisible string.


Up Next:
Part 3: Red
-In which Taylor looks back on the colors of her and James' relationship, from burning red, to dark grey and bluest of blue.

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