Chapter 97 -Gehenna

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Suddenly I heard the rush of water blasting past me. I noticed the woman from before with her mouth open. I ran over to the bone shooter and pulled my blade from his chest. Then I turned toward the woman and noticed water just flowed from her mouth like a river. She was on her hands and knees, and glared into my soul. She wasn't worth wasting the bullets on. I turned toward the rest of them. Everyone flashing their gifts and guns at me. However they all seemed hesitant to move.

A smile was coming onto my face, and I felt sick. They charged in at me and shot their bullets, and I ran right into the fray! That's when it started, the bloodshed. My mind went blank, and my blade painted their walls with blood. I broke their arms, cut their throats, and shot through them. Once it was over I stood in a pile of bodies. I stared over the blood, and was serenaded by the agonized cries of those I broke.

My mask cracked, and then shattered. The pieces crumbled down from my face and onto the bodies below. I panted and dragged myself over to the office door. Pushing myself through the bodies, and stained my shoes in the scarlet river. I stopped at the door, but my eyes just stared at the blood I was covered in. The screams echoed in the back of my mind, and their lifeless bodies stained my memory. The joy I felt when I was in the middle of all of that. Am I even really a hero? Would a hero smile at something like this? Am I even human?

I looked up at the light that snuck through the cracks of the blinds. Annual and Zack are here, waiting on me. I reached my hand out and dropped the gun. Then I slowly wrapped my hands around the door knob, and pulled it open. A welcoming warmth grazed over me, and I could feel my heart beat again. Then, I saw him. A smile pushed itself onto my face, and the world seemed to make sense again.

"Z-zack!?" I yelled and practically dropped to my knees.

His clothes were stained with blood, and cinged from a fire. He must've beat Joe!

"Hey, is Annual okay!?" I asked.

He smiled and started to laugh.

"Hey, let me ask you." He held out his hand to me. "Is killing people part of being a hero?"

I blinked a few times.

"What do you-?"

"Because I'm sure your mom would be just as sick as I am looking at you." He growled.

My whole body shuttered, and I was frozen in place. What? A green spark erupted from his palms, and a huge green flame exploded to life and blasted me away.. I crashed against a machine and the wind got knocked out of me. I dropped down to the floor and started to cough. It was like someone buried their foot into my chest.

"Z-zack..?" I coughed.

He casually walked over to me, and picked up a gun from the ground. Then he started laughing again.

"Look at this! The hero killed so many people! There's like ,a whole pool of blood! Isn't that funny? A hero left something like this. It's like you didn't even try to just knock em out!" Zack said with a chuckle.

I sat up and looked at him, and he held the gun out toward me.

"I-I had to do it. It was to save you and Annual.." I grumbled and looked up to him. "Zack I don't understand, what's going on?"

"That's funny, because you killed everyone here. For nothing. Annuals dead!" He roared. "She's dead because she followed your stupid philosophy! She died just like your mom did. From your ignorance!"

A chill ran through my body.

"Zack, why are you..? What do you mean!? She can't be dead!" I yelled.

"Don't pretend like you suddenly care!" He went to pull the trigger and I shot up and grabbed the gun. The bullet grazed my cheek and I managed to make him point it down.

"What do you mean!? I loved her!" Tears rolled down my face and my body trembled.

"You abandoned her when she needed it most! Then when she got better you avoided her feelings! Then you told her to save everyone! And it got her killed!" He yelled.

He tried lifting the gun up, but I managed to keep it down.

"What do you mean!?" I yelled." How did she die!?"

"My old man didn't want to be saved, and she wasted her time on that trash. So he beat her." His hands started to glow. "He beat her until she couldn't move anymore!"

His hands erupted and blasted me back into the wall. The house came into mind, and suddenly it all made sense. That's why it was burned down, Zack burned it down! He held out his hand and started blasting at me. I barely dodged the first one and started running. Trying to avoid every shot.

"Zack, I'm sorry that happened! We should talk, you're hurt! I know and-"

I stopped talking as another blast sent me flying and I crashed back into the wall.

"She always looked at you, and never at me. She always believed in you! You stole my sister from me with your fake heroism and look at where it got her! She's dead! And look at you. Standing in a pile of broken and dead bodies." He laughed and sent fires my way. "You're an infection! And I'll be the one to fix it!"

I dodged to the side and he flicked his other hand to the left. Just as he did, I saw sparks go off somewhere. I dodged his first shots and an explosion went off. I turned and I saw my death. A sharp pipe was flying my way, and I was already in mid dodge from his flame. It was a fake out!

Is this it? Is this how I'm gonna die!?

Just when I was sure I was dead. Someone knocked me out of the way, and took the spike in the chest!

Gift of the GoddessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz