xiv. a view to kill

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Madelyn reached for Kol when she woke up, only to find his side of the bed empty. She sat up and found a note from him at the end of the bed.

Had to run a quick errand. 

Be back soon.

Her brows furrowed. He would've just woken her up if that were true. She knew he must've been going after someone, but the only person she would care about him going after was—


Madelyn sprang into action getting dressed in record time and racing to the school where she knew Bonnie was most likely to be at because of the dance.

When she stepped into the building, she listened carefully for either Kol or Bonnie. When she heard her boyfriend groaning in pain, she sped towards his voice.

Reaching the hallway they were in, she found Bonnie staring Kol down as his bones broke with her magic. Balloons began to pop all around them.

Madelyn's eyes were wide, the power radiating off of Bonnie bordering on lethal to her. "Bonnie!"

Bonnie's head snapped towards her voice.

"You need to calm down!" Madelyn said. "Remember to have control!"

Lockers began to explode open.

"Bonnie, concentrate!"

Bonnie closed her eyes. "I am in complete control," she whispered to herself.

Balloons stopped popping and lockers were no longer opening. 

Bonnie took a shaky breath before running out of the hall, afraid of the power she had just unleashed.

Madelyn rushed to kneel in front of Kol. "Are you alright, love?"

"I'll be fine in a moment," he said.

"Good," Madelyn said before punching him in the shoulder. "What were you thinking going after Bonnie? That's the one person you know I'd be mad at you for going after."

"That's exactly why I left you at the hotel," Kol said, rubbing the spot where she punched him. "Did you really have to punch me."

"Yes," she said. "Come on, let's get you back to the hotel."

"You're not mad?"

Madelyn shook her head. She didn't want to stay mad at him because now she didn't know how long they might have.

"I just want to go spend the day relaxing at the spa and possibly snacking on the masseuses," she said.

Kol smirked. "Well, then let's do it."


Kol got a call while him and Madelyn had decided for an evening stroll, interrupting their semi-normal moment.

"Jeremy Gilbert," he answered, the slightest bit annoyed that they were interrupted. "Nice to see I'm still on your speed dial, but I was in the middle of something."

"Actually, it's Elena Gilbert."

Madelyn raised a brow in curiosity.

"What a treat," Kol said. "Yeah, I was just thinking of all the clever ways I could have your brother killed, but I'd settle for ripping off his illustrated arm instead."

"I need to talk to you... in person," Elena said. "I want to call a truce in the name of Silas."

"You want to talk about Silas?"

"I'll meet you wherever you want. I'll come to you."

"I'll tell you what. Let me bring a plus one and I come to you?" Kol offered, and before Elena could answer, he had already sped himself and Madelyn to their house and rang the doorbell. "If you want a truce open the door and invite us in."

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