Chapter 6

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Everyone got into the Quinjet and Sam started to fly it and had Bruce right beside him as he did. Steve was really hoping she is there he cant imagine her being alone any longer.

"So where is she?" Sam asks.

"She has some hidden place in the mountains. Which are rare when you think of NewYork." Bruce says.

"And why did she tell you this?" Rhodey asks.

"Well... She said she knew I wouldnt come looking for her unless it was urgent. She said her trust in me was strong enough to know I wouldnt abuse the location." Bruce says.

"I would never do anything along those lines and she knows that." Steve says.

"Yeah, but she also knew if Tony begged you for any idea where she was. You would tell him." Bruce says.

Steve just went quiet, he would tell if Tony really needed his daughter and for that reason she couldnt tell him.

"What if she isnt there?" Nat asks.

"We go to Wakanda and try to get the stone out before Thanos comes." Rhodey says.

"I really hope for your sake Cap, she's at this one and not the one no one knows about." Nat says.

"And why do you say that?" Steve asks.

"One so you want to go looking for her and make this harder for everyone else. And two because I have sent time with you over these years and Im sick and tired of hearing her name come out of your mouth." Nat says.

It was true Steve would only say Willa's name for the past two years. At any moment of any time. It couldnt help it her names was the only thing he could say and she was the only thing on his mind. He just really hopes she's there.

In space Gamora was dealing with Thanos and not wanting the stuff he had giving her. Telling him how much she hated the room and the life she had because of him. He told her that he had saved her

He was letting her know that her home planet now is good and that the kids now only know the best. Letting her know that he knew the universe need correction and he was the only one who is willing to do something about it.

He remind Gamora she once felt that way too and it made her the fiercest woman in the galaxy.

"That is why I trusted you to find the Soul Stone." Thanos says.

"Im sorry I disappointed you." Gamora says.

"I am disappointed. But not because you didnt find it. But because you did. And you lied." Thanos says to her.

He took her to another area to show her that he had her sister Nebula. He told her that she was almost successful into killing him. Then he started to hurt her so Gamora retold him she never found the Soul Stone.

But he played back Nebula's memories and showed her that he knew she was lying to him.

"Where is the Soul Stone?" Thanos asks.

And when Gamora didnt answer he started hurting Nebula again. She was trying so hard not to tell him, but the sounds of her sister in pain made her crack.

"Vormir." Gamora says.

Thanos stopped hurting Nebula and Gamora walked over to her sister.

"The stone is on Vormir." Gamora says.

"Show me." Thanos says to her.

Farther away was Thor, Rocket, and Groot all heading to retrieve the weapon Thor needed. Thor let them know that where they were going was also the birth place of his hammer.

"Okay. Time to be a Captain." Rocket says.

He got out of his chair and headed over to a device near Thor.

"So dead brother huh? Yeah that could be annoying." Rocket says.

"Well, he's been dead before. But, no, this time I think it really might be true." Thor says.

"And you said your sister and your dad?" Rocket questions.

"Both dead." Thor says.

"But still got a mom, though?" Rocket asks.

"Killed by a dark elf." Thor says.

"A best friend?" Rocket asks.

"Stabbed through the heart." Thor says.

"You sure you're up to this particular murder mission?" Rocket asks him.

"Absolutely. Rage and vengeance, anger, loss, regret, they're all tremendous motivators. They really clear the mind. So Im good to go." Thor says.

"Yeah, but this is Thanos we're talking about. He's the toughest there is." Rocket says.

"Well, he's never fought me." Thor says.

"Yeah, he has." Rocket says.

"He's never fought me twice. And Im getting a new hammer, dont forget." Thor says.

"It better be some hammer." Rocket says.

"You know, Im 1500 years old. I've killed twice as many enemies as that. And every one of them would've rather killed me, but none succeeded. Im only alive because fate wants me alive. Thanos is just the latest in a long line of bastards and he'll be the latest to feel my vengeance. Fate wills it so." Thor says.

"And what if you're wrong?" Rocket asks.

"If Im wrong, then what more could I lose?" Thor questions.

"I can lose alot. Me, personally I could lose alot." Rocket says to himself.

Rocket then reached into his bag and pulled out a eye and handed it to Thor. He told him that he stole the eye from someone.

"Thank you, sweet rabbit." Thor says.

He placed the eye in and Rocket got gross out saying he should of washed it first because of where he had to stash it to get it away from its original owner.

"Hey we're here." Rocket says.

"I dont think this thing works. Everything seems dark." Thor says.

"It aint the eye." Rocket says.

"Somethings wrong. The star's gone out and the rings are frozen." Thor says.

Back on Earth they were close to where Willa was.

"Okay her hide out is right there were that closed off place is." Bruce says.

"Are you sure? It looks like plain old rocks." Sam says.

"Yeah Im sure. Its a safety precaution so no one can find it." Bruce says to him.

"And look the force field is active." Bruce says.

"Which means?" Nat asks.

"She's here." Bruce says.

"Okay. Then lets land this and go get her." Steve says.

Sam nodded at what Steve said and was going to land the jet. After two years Steve was going to see Willa again. And he couldnt wait to see her.

A/N: Okay guys six chapters in and no Willa. But in the next Chapter Willa will finally come into the story. But remember she's not who she used to be.

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