Chapter 4

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Back in Space Gamora was lost in thought about how she had ended up in Thanos life in the first place.

She was reminded of him with the knife he gave her reminded of what he did to her home. She also knew what was to happen next if Thanos was to get her. She knew where a certain Stone was and knew he would take her to find it.

She did know it would be her end and wanted Quill to do the unthinkable.

"I need to ask a favor." Gamora says to him.

"Yeah, sure." Quill says.

"One way or another,  the path that we're on leads to Thanos." Gamora says.

"Which is what the grenades are for. Im sorry. Whats the favor?" Quill asks her.

"If things go wrong... If Thanos gets me... I want you to promise me... You'll kill me." Gamora says.

"What?" Quill questions.

"I know something he doesnt. And if he finds it out the entire universe could be ask risk." Gamora says.

"What do you know?" Quill asks.

"If I tell you, you'd know too." Gamora says.

"If its so important shouldnt I?" Quill questions.

"Only if you want to die." Gamora says.

"Why does somebody always have to die in this scenario?" Quill asks.

"Just..Trust me. And possibly kill me." Gamora says.

"I mean I'd like to. I really wouldnt. But you..." Quill says.

"Swear to me. Swear to me on your mother." Gamora says.

Quill looked at her for a moment and knew she was serious about this.

"Okay." Quill says.

She was crying and so he wiped her tears before she kissed him. But their moment was ruined by a crunching sound.

"Dude." Quill says once he sees Drax.

"How long have you been standing there?" Quill asks.

"An hour." Drax says.

"An hour?" Quill questions.

"Are you serious?" Gamora asks.

"I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I become invisible to the eye. Watch." Drax says slowly moving his food to his mouth.

"You're eating a zarg-nut." Quill says.

"But my movement was so slow that its imperceptible." Drax says.

"Mmm... No." Quill says.

"Im sure Im invisible." Drax says.

"Hi Drax." Mantis says walking in.

"Damn it." Drax says as he walked away.

They had then arrived on Knowhere and it was now deserted. Once they landed they heard sounds and then saw Thanos.

Thanos who was asking for the Stone and when he wasnt given it he asked again. Drax wanted his revenge for his family so he wanted to attack.

Quill tried to stop him, but he didnt want to be stopped he wanted to avenger his family. Since Quill couldnt stop him Mantis put him to sleep. Thanos heard the loud thud and knew they were there.

Gamora went to attack Thanos and she was able to kill him rather quickly which seemed to easy.

As Thanos was dying Gamora started crying because even though she hated him she did care about him.

But they should of known it wasnt going to be that easy. Thanos was indeed alive and Knowhere was on fire. He already had the stone with him.

Gamora tried to kill herself, but he stopped her  and when her friends tried to help her Drax and Mantis were both taken down by the Thanos and the stone.

Gamora though was begging Quill now to kill her and he didnt want to, but he aimed the gun at her.

"I love you more then anything." Gamora says.

"I love you too." Quill says to her.

He looked at her and when he pulled the trigger bubbles came from the gun and Thanos took her leaving the rest behind.

Back at the Compound Rhodey was in a call with Ross. They were talking about Vision and how if it wernt for the Accords Vision would have been home. And then Steve and the others walked in.

 And then Steve and the others walked in

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"Mr.Secretary." Steve says.

"You got some nerve. I'll give you that." Ross says.

"You can use some of that right now." Nat says.

"The world's on fire. And you think all is forgiven?" Ross asks.

"Im not looking for forgiveness. And Im way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way. We'll fight you too." Steve says to him.

"Arrest them." Ross says.

"All over it." Rhodey says making the meeting call go away.

"Its great to see you, Cap." Rhodey says shaking his hand.

"You too Rhodey." Steve says.

Nat walked over to Rhodey and gave him a hug.

"You guys really look like crap. Must of been a rough couple of years." Rhodey says.

"Yeah, well, the hotels werent exactly five star." Sam says.

"Uh.. I think you look great." Bruce says to them.

"Uh... Yeah Im back." Bruce says.

"Hi Bruce." Nat says.

"Nat." Bruce says back.

"This is awkward." Sam says.

As they went into the other room Steve stopped Rhodey for a second.

"Hey.. Umm... Where's Willa?" Steve asks.

"Ohh... Im sorry Cap. I wish I knew." Rhodey says.

"What? She isnt here? But Sam said Tony brought her home." Steve says.

"He did. Long story short, they got into an argument about Barnes killing his parents. She sided the same way you did. Tony got upset and wanted to send her back to prison. But she ran off, had a month contact with Pepper. Something happened that Pepper wont say, all she said was Willa saved her and then ran off." Rhodey says to him.

"So Willa's has been alone out there for the last two years?" Steve questions.

"Unfortunately. But we'll worry about that later right now we have a job to do." Rhodey says going to meet with the others.

Steve felt terrible. He left her all alone and that broke his heart. He promised her he would be there and now he wasnt. He did know one thing he had to find her before those things came back. Her power could be of great help. And he would be able to see her once again.

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