Chapter 2

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Outside there was alot of screaming and people running and when they all went outside things were hectic. They didnt know what it was until Tony and Strange rounded the corner and saw a spaceship.

With people now gone from the area the Aliens in the spaceship came down to talk to those in front of it.

"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing..." The Maw says.

"Im sorry Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here." Tony says.

"Stonekeeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you?" The Maw asks.

"Certainly not. I speak for myself. You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Strange says.

"He means get lost, Squidward." Tony says.

"He exhausts me. Bring me the stone." The Maw says.

His friend started making his way to them and so Tony turned to Banner so they could use the Hulk.

"Banner you want a piece?" Tony questions.

"Mmm, no not really. But when do I ever get what I want." Bruce says.

"Thats right." Tony says.

Bruce tried to make the Hulk come out, but he wasnt budging. He kept trying and for an unknown reason the Hulk was not wanting to  come out.

"Where's you guy?" Tony asks.

"I dont know. We've sorta been having a thing." Bruce says.

"Its not time for a thing." Tony says.

"I know." Bruce says.

"Thats the thing right there. Lets go." Tony says.

Bruce was trying again as the guy was coming closer, but the Hulk wasnt coming and that wasnt his fault.

"Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards." Tony says.

"Sorry. Hey why dont you just call your daughter to set him on fire?" Bruce questions.

"Willa is gone. She is in hiding and I havent seen her in two years, but thanks for saying she could handle this." Tony says.

"Well..." Strange says.

"Alright stand back." Tony says.

Tony using his new tech suit was able to blast the guy away. And then it was a battle for the stone. Tony was tried to send Strange away but he didnt go anywhere.

Tony was the knocked down and hit away into a park area.

"Tony are you okay? How are we doing? Good? Bad?" Bruce questions.

"Really, really good. Really good. Do you plan on helping out?" Tony asks him.

"Im trying. He wont come out." Bruce says.

The big guy came back and threw his hammer at them and Tony knocked Bruce out of the way. Tony continued to fight the guy as Bruce was once again knocked back.

"Come on Hulk! What are you doing to me?" Bruce questions.

"Come out! Come out! Come out!" Bruce says was slapping himself.

"No!" Hulk yelled back.

"What do you mean no?" Bruce questions.

As Bruce was confused to as why this was happening Tony was dealing with the big alien on his own. And he even got some help from Spiderman.

The Maw was trying to take the necklace with the stone and wasnt able to so he took Strange.  Seeing Strange go by because of the cloak Tony sent Peter after him.

Peter did just that only for him and Strange to both be beamed up. Peter was on the side of the ship and Tony told him to let go. And when he did a new Spiderman suit was given to him.

Tony even had FRIDAY sending Peter back home. Tony then got a call from Pepper and had to sadly tell her he wasnt going to be able to come back. But that wasnt Tony's only problem because he had a stowaway staying with him as well.

Back in Earth, Banner picked up Tony's phone and saw Steve's number. He knew he had to fine Vision so he called him.

In Space the Guardians were getting ready to go to where a distress call came from. Only to find a destroyed ship and a bunch of dead people. All except one. The one that landed on their ship.

A/N: Again stay with me Willa just isnt here yet. Im not sure when she will arrive yet to please stay with me and be patient. She's coming I promise you, I just dont know exactly when.

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