Vroom Vroom I'm in me mums car

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Yes I really did name an F1 AU that lmaooo. Racer Serkan lez goooo.

On a side note I'm horrible with intros so u guys should just use telepathy to understand what this AU is about.

Enjoy!! Or don't. It's your choice. Shhh the chapters starting, I hope Selin gets run over omg


Eda Yildiz couldn't stand Serkan Bolat.

She couldn't stand his smug smile, or his obnoxious hair, or his damn mischievous eyes. She couldn't stand his voice, she couldn't stand his words, she couldn't stand his ego.

She couldn't stand moaning his name as he took her roughly against the wall of her bedroom.

Truth was, she just couldn't stand- he had turned her legs to jelly. And she hated it. She hated that he was the only man who could take her to nirvana like that.

And as she held him as they rode that last wave of pleasure, she realised that she hated the way he smelled too, because his scent begged her to bury her face deep into his neck and she fought the insane urge to kiss the hickey that she had given him there.

She glanced up at the man as the duo attempted to catch their breath, and she couldn't deny how handsome she found him with his red hair askew, resembling a lions mane. His green eyes sparkled with mischief as he gave her a cocky smile.

"You alright princess?", Serkan's eyes travelled down to her chest which rose and fell with her rapid breaths, making a wave of male pride wash over him as she held onto him for support, absolutely spent after their... Activities.

She didn't say a word as they separated, feeling a sudden sense of emptiness fall over them as they both went to freshen up.

Their affair started two months ago. Despite her father being his manager, Serkan could simply not keep his hands off of Eda Yildiz. He had tried, of course, for a year he stood idle and controlled his lust for the woman. But that all changed one day when he offered to drive her home during one of the worst storms Istanbul had ever seen. They barely made it to her garage before they both snapped and she rode the race car driver in his car. Ironic, really. But since then, it was understood- they might not get along in their day to day lives, but the sex was otherworldly, and both of them weren't willing to give that up just yet.

"Ugh that bastard ripped my blouse.", Eda grumbled before she heard his deep voice behind her and looked at the mirror to meet his gaze in the reflection, noticing the way his eyes flickered to the lingerie set she had on- a gift from him of course.

"Watch your mouth Yildiz.", he rolled his eyes as he buttoned up his shirt, "Before I show you a better way to use it."

"Don't act like you don't beg for it Bolat.", the woman smirked knowingly as she adjusted her skirt around her petite waist, "Besides, you're late."

"I'm not supposed to be there for another hour.", he grabbed his keys and his phone from her nightstand as he saw her pull her hair into a loose bun, making a few strands frame her face naturally, "Will I see you there?"

"Does it matter?", her voice was cold once more, "Its not like you'll care."

She fixed her lipstick in the mirror, and hence missed the way he frowned at her words. It wasn't his fault that he was one of the most publicised men in the racing world, if the reporters caught wind of him being with her, they would make her life miserable. Especially since she was his managers daughter, and Mustafa Yildiz would have his head on a fucking platter if he dared to even look at her given his reputation.

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