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Nicole's POV

I was watching the boys performing, and then Daniel turned the boys to talk to them. This wasn't part of their setlist, so I was confused as to what they were doing.

"I don't know what's going on, guys. One sec" Zach told us. My head looked around the whole place. I saw many fans curious as to what was going on as well. I saw Tyler, who was also confused.

I mouthed to him, "What's going on?" He mouthed back, "I don't know?"

"Sorry about that guys, Daniel wanted to ask us something," said Jack.

"So we are changing the setlist a little tonight. Daniel begged us to perform this song for you all, but also someone special in the audience," Corbyn said while letting out some laughs.

Special someone.......WHAT!!

Daniel laughed in the mic. "Besides the fact I begged to perform it. You guys are going to hear a new song that I wrote on tour," he told us, and the fans screamed with excitement. It hurt my ears. "And to answer your questions from what Corbyn just said, yes, it is about a girl I met on tour who is here tonight. And no, I'm not saying who, but she knows who she is."

Daniel looked at me, and I was in complete shock. He gave me a smile and my face heated up. Even though no one knows the song is about me, I'm so embarrassed. But a good kind of embarrassment.

"Alright, the name might sound cliche, but it's called Love Song," Daniel said.

I was so invested in hearing the song. I've never had someone write a song about me. I mean, who really has. It's a pretty rare thing for people like me to experience.

I was focusing on Daniel, who was about to start the song. Everything around me went quiet. I heard no fans, just their voices, and the instruments.

(A/N) Love Song is one of my favorites off this album!!

The boys finished the song, and Daniel was singing to me for the entire performance. There's no way a Limelight didn't notice this. It was pretty obvious. I felt something drip down my face and wiped it with my hand.

They were tears. The song actually made me cry, and I feel like I fully understand Daniels's feelings towards me. To be honest, I knew that Daniel was who I wanted to be with all this time. Yes, he hurt me, but I agreed to the arrangement between us. We are both to blame.

Carson is a fantastic guy, and maybe if I never met Daniel, I could definitely see us together, but that is not the case here. It's a little funny that I didn't know if I should listen to my head or heart. The answer is simple you listen to your heart because your brain and heart are connected.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder. And I turned around. It was Carson.

"I know the show isn't over yet, but I had a feeling that you have your answer now," he said in a shouting voice cause the music was thunderous. I could tell that he knew what my answer was going to be because he looked so heartbroken.

I felt so bad that I did this to him. I led him on.

Daniel's POV

While we were singing our last song, I noticed Nik talking to Carson. I wonder what she was telling him. Or it could either be that she is choosing him or choosing me. What could it be?

My answer became evident. She put her hand on his cheek and leaned in. There was no denying it she kissed him. She chose him and not me. The smile that was on my face all night quickly faded away.

I held back the tears that started to fill in my eyes. I hope that no one notices it. Thank god our last song was almost over. I want to get off this stage. I don't get it. She looked so happy when I performed the song. Why did she choose him? Was that speech she gave me a complete lie?

I don't know. But there is one thing I know for sure. I don't want to see her right now.

Nicole's POV

"I'm so sorry, Carson. I led you on thinking that something could happen between us. I shouldn't have done, especially since I still have feelings for someone else. I know you will be able to find a girl who will truly reciprocate those feeling back to you. But that girl isn't me."I told Carson.

I put my hand on his face to comfort him and hopefully make him feel better. I then leaned in to give him a friendly kiss on the cheek. It's my way of apologizing to him and saying goodbye at the same time.

"I'm okay, Nikki. Thank you for being honest with me. To be honest, I knew I didn't have a chance with you. Especially after the song, he wrote for you. He seems like a great guy and truly cares about you. I wish you guys the best." He told me, and it made me smile.

"Thanks, Carson"

"Goodbye, Nikki"

"Bye." And that was it. Carson left the venue. The show came to an end. It's time for me to go talk to Daniel.

A/N: Sorry for the late update and being a little inactive. I've been really busy lately. I do a lot of stuff during the fall time cause it's my favorite season. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye!

touring with you | daniel seaveyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon