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Corbyn's POV

Nikki gripped on the sweater I was wearing when Daniel spoke to her. I looked down at her and could tell she wasn't ready to talk to him yet and decided to talk to Daniel myself. 

"No, you can't talk to her right now, Daniel, but you can talk to me," I said in a protecting voice.

Nikki looked up at me. I could tell she was about to cry again; her bagged eyes looked glassy from the light reflecting off them. "I'll talk to him, Nikki. Just go get some sleep. You're obviously sleep-deprived. Don't deny it," I whispered to her. She nodded and stood up but hesitated to move because Daniel was standing in front of the door.

"Daniel, please move away from the door so Nikki can get some sleep," I told him while being a little demanding. Daniel looked at Nikki and back at me but eventually moved out of the way. 

Nikki left the back lounge. It was now just Daniel and me. I could tell by his face that he regretted what happened last night and maybe everything from the start of this fling.

Daniel sat in the chair across from me. He was avoiding my eyes but finally spoke up.

"I screwed up, man. She hates me. Why did I even hit that guy? He didn't do anything wrong. And the things I said to Nik were harsh," Daniel said while rubbing his head with his hands. 

"First off, you were drunk," I told him and paused. Daniel looked up at me. "And second?" he asked. "Second, you were jealous."

Daniel chuckled. "Me jealous? I don't get jealous over that kind of stuff," he defended himself.

"Well, it's either that or you have anger problems," I said and raised one of my eyebrows at him. 

Daniel didn't like either of those options. "Listen, man, having feelings for someone is normal, but it can be a scary thing. I know you try to stay away from relationships because of the whole distance thing, but Christina and I have been doing fine with it" (A/N: I know they broke up, but they haven't in this story).

"We aren't like you and Christina. If I started dating Nik, it would be amazing, I admit it, but the second we would leave for our next tour, then our relationship would crumble to pieces," he said.

"So you just admitted that dating her would be amazing and that you have thought about it" Daniel froze from what I just said, and I continued.  "I think you've liked her from the minute you saw her. Why would you be so eager to hook up with her when she rejected you so many times before. Why would you be with her for so long? The longest time you were sleeping around with a girl was a week cause you didn't want to catch feelings. It's been more than a month with Nikki. Not to mention the conversations you two had had together before you started this fling. You like her, Daniel. You're just too afraid to admit it".

Daniel wasn't saying anything. He was speechless. I was finally getting to him. Silence filled the room.

"Dammit!" Daniel shouted in a scratchy voice and punched the wall. Tears. Tears were slowly falling down his face. I did it. I got up and patted his back to comfort him.

"You can't lock away your feelings for every girl you hook up with. There's always going to be that one special girl that can break those locks. And it was Nikki." I paused. Even though I'm glad that he has realized his feelings for her, I needed to keep my word to Nikki. I backed away from him, getting ready to leave the room.

"I know you probably weren't going to actually do this, especially now knowing that you like her, but don't tell Randy or the others that you two were seeking around with each other and get her fired. Please don't take away the thing she worked so hard to get. And I know you probably don't want to but give her space. You hurt her, man. She's going to need some time to heal. Also, I don't hate you for what you did to her. I could never hate you. Just don't do it again. Cause she loves you," I finished telling him.

I walked to the door and looked back at Daniel. He was covering his face now, but I could tell that he was crying. He hurt her, and he hated himself for doing so. I hope he learns from this and finds a way to make it up to Nikki. 

I leave Daniel alone in the silence.

"I'm so sorry, Nik," I heard Daniel whimper before closing the door. 

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