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╔═══*.·:·.★ ✦ ★・:・:*═══╗

This must've been how her mother felt. Alone. Isolated. Even with Glenn holding Paola close to his side in the RV, the little girl missed her parents more than anything.

She missed the way her papa would carry her to bed and how her mama would sing her Romanian lullabies as Paola would gently close her eyes to dream land.

She listened to the rumbled of Daryl's bike outside with Glenn brushed her hair sweetly. She knew Sui would've loved to ride one of those, the feeling of the air rushing past his face would've had him rambling on about being free for hours. The thought of his smile made her cry.

The group frowned when the sound of her sobs rang through the vehicle. Since the CDC it was normal to hear Paola randomly burst out in tears however they knew it wouldn't last long as glenn tried his hardest to comfort her. He had a sort of knack for calming her down.

Paola's cries soon turned into quiet sniffles just as the RV came to a halt. Their road was blocked and the group knew they couldn't go on anything further.

"See a way through?" Dale asks as Daryl comes to the window, his bike still revving.

Glenn sat up straighter in his seat beside Dale, causing Paola to do the same. The boy unwraps his arm from the girl and looks over a map, "maybe we should just go back." Paola grips his t-shirt, in case he disappeared. "There's an interstate bypass-"

Dale shakes his head, "we can't spare the fuel." Shane comes to the front, standing between the trio as Dale tries to drive through the mess of a highway.

but it was only a matter of time with the groups bad luck that they had to exit the RV in search of supplies and something to fix up Dale's motor.

Glenn had asked Lori to take care of her while he helped Dale with the engine and while Paola was hesitant to go, Carl and Sophia grabbed both of her hands and they dragged her with them. Carol and Lori led them through the highway, looking in cars for anything they might find.

Lori frowned, looking in one of the cars before bowing her head in respect, "kids, don't look." Carol orders, leading them away from the fly infested body.

The woman open the trunks of cars, rummaging through suitcases while the kids stay together in a small group. Paola kicks her feet at the pebbled roads, covering her red converse in dust. Carl and Sophia still had a hold on her hands before Carl breaks away, beginning to disappear behind a car.

"Hey, Carl. always within my sight, okay?" Lori says, pointing her fingers from her eyes to her son.

"You too, Sophia." Carol says, looking up from the suitcase.

Paola frowned when neither said her name. That feeling peeked its ugly head again, the loneliness, but this time with its friend jealousy. She wished her mom was still here, to tell her to stay close, but the more she thought about it, the more Paola was unsure she would even care in the first place.

Rick ran towards the group, his rifle strapped to his arm, "Lori, get under the cars." He then turned to the kids, "Carl, Paola, Sophia, get down now."

The little girls legs moved without her realising. She wanted to get to Glenn, to hide with him until it was safe to come out, but her small hands grabbed Carl's arm and rolled them under one of the cars. Walkers feet stumbled past them, the growling getting louder and louder as Paola tried to control her breathing.

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