Diary Entry 1

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October 15 1830

Today was a rough day....
James proposed and I of course said yes...
But do I want to marry him?
I am just being modest, but I am not sure I love him as much as he loves me. The small town is expecting good things from us, there haven't been children in our town quaint town since 1810, so I've been told. I was born in 1810, and James was born in 1800 making him 10 years older than I. They expect us to have children so that the town can be merry and have something to look forward too.

James makes it hard to love him as he messes up his words and tells me to do this-that, whatnot. He is a kind man though as he tends to my needs.

I possibly want more attention. He is gone from dawn to dusk six days out of the week, mostly for the farm, but he can just disappear and come home late at night. I am unsure of his actions, causing me to be suspicious... but what do I know? I'll be a house wife soon I suppose, but twenty is too young for a woman like me to have children, let alone get married. But I must do what needs to be done...

The Diary of Lily JaneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora