Saftley Ashore

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WARNING:THIS NEEDS TO UNDERGO SOME MORE EDITING!Please be patient,I wanted to get this out as soon as I could!please ignore the typos!Enjoy!

2 days later days later.....

*Merina's P.O.V

The past two days have been stressful yet enriching.After resting my body I was finally able to take my mother's spell book and practice my magic

I was practicing a couple of spells,I was so happy and excited to finally learn the hard core stuff.I've been trying to practice outside in private in the woods by the house with the company of werewolf guards pretty much wherever I go outside of the house.Ryder insisted after our recent situation.

So far I've been practicing how to manipulate the wind and weather around me,Some of it was hard but i knew that the more I practiced the easier it would become.This will be a very powerful and useful spell to use against my opponents if mastered correctly.Using the Weather to my will- will be a huge advantage to me,it's one of my most powerful skills if mastered.

I was also trying to start practicing my telekinesis skills,this was newer to me aswell and I find my self beggining to grow slowly but surely

There was various other powers that I needed to work on,sometimes it over whelmed me the amount of spells and skills I needed to cram in,it made me feel helpless and stressed out trying to learn so many new spells with such an intense speed,I know I don't have all the time in the world to advance myself.I needed to cram as many spells as I could,all of the weight of the world was on my shoulders and I had a huge responsibility.This was the most suffocating feeling

Things between me and Ryder are quickly progressing,after he saved me,i realized how much I love and care about my mate.I knew I couldn't fight the mating bond and it's strong pull.I know this relationship will have its challenges,that was for sure.He has been extremely over protective of me over these past two days,and of course I can understand why but that doesn't mean it makes it any less irritating.

Usually ,when I first got here Ryder would leave me alone for hours at a time to deal with his pack,while he still attends to pack business he makes sure to check on me various times throughout the day.

He also was not allowing me to be formally introduced to his pack yet,no matter how eager they were to meet me,it wasn't safe if someone found out and some how some way connected the dots and sold me out to Austin for money,I know it was a bizarre thing to imagine but it wasn't impossible.

I sigh wiping some sweat off the corner of my forehead,I've been out here for a couple of hours to say the least,I looked up and sun had begun to set

"Luna"I roll my eyes at the name that Liam-one of Ryder's betas,called me"it's getting late,Alpha said to be back before sun set"

I rolled my eyes"Liam, I am  not yet officially yourLuna,nor have me and my mate even had the conversation"I told him

This was complicated,Now that Ryder knew of me being a princess soon to be Queen until Austin and his son took over,Ryder knows I would have my own responsibility with my own kingdom-granted we get it back.So how on earth could I be luna to his pack and him be King of my kingdom when he can't even get there.This situation was a unique and complicated one to think about which is why we avoided that conversation as a whole,I'm sure to avoid a fight.

I look at Liam with a stern and serious gaze"I need to practice.Ryder can wait a while longer"I said looking back at my mother's spell book reading over a weather controlling spell

I can feel liams worried gaze on me as the night slowly sets in more and more"We really got to go,The Alpha won't appreciate you being late.You know he won't be happy with me if I bring you back after dark,these are his orders not mine,so please let's make our way back"

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