DNF Halloween Fluff

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Credit to https://twitter.com/irrttggg for the art. Highly recommend checking out more of their amazing artwork.

This is actually a combination of request from two readers! You guys both gave me very similar requests haha! The ideas melded very well together for this chapter. <3

Dream POV

Halloween was tonight, and Dream, as usual, was excited for the holiday. He'd decorated the entire exterior and interior of the house, and bought so much candy his husband couldn't fit even half of it in the candy bowl. They'd given two bags to Sapnap, who lived next door with Karl, but they still had too much.

"See, this is why I said we shouldn't buy all kings-size." George laughed when three Milky Way bars slid off the top of the pile. His wedding ring glinted in the sunlight streaming through the kitchen windows. "What will we do with all the leftover candy?" 

"Donate it?" Dream suggested, picking up the fallen chocolate. "Or we can give it all to the last trick or treater." 

"Not the skittles." George reminded him, and Dream wheezed. 

The brunette had immediately snatched all the skittles from the shopping bags as soon as they'd gotten home, claiming kids would rather chocolate anyways.

"Maybe we can give some to your family?" George suggested. "That way you don't have to make cookies." 

"Drista will be disappointed, I send them to her every year." Dream murmured. "And the kids can take a cookie to eat while trick-or-treating." 

George rolled his eyes, but his lips curled in a fond smile. "Cookies and king-sized chocolate... they are going to flock here once word gets around." 

"That's the point." Dream ruffled George's hair, carefully lifting the surprisingly heavy candy bowl. George placed his hands over the sugary mound, holding the colorful wrappers in place while walking in sync with Dream to the table by the door. 

The dirty blond set the bowl down, before grinning at George. "Sapnap thinks his house will be most popular this year, can't let him win." 

George followed Dream back into the kitchen, helping him clear away the bags of candy. There was so many types... Twix, M&Ms, Hershey, Baby Ruth, Dream lost count of how much he'd bought.

Dream moved the bags to the counter before placing baking ingredients on the kitchen island and washing his hands. George preheated the oven for him before he hopped on the counter to watch Dream.

"Need any help?" George offered.

"No, I got it, thank you." Dream smiled warmly at his husband. "You can help me decorate them later, though." 

George hummed in agreement, turning to rifle through the candy bags, grabbing a bag of M&Ms. The black-and-purple bag crinkled as he pulled it open. 

Dream began to measure and mix ingredients with practiced ease. From the corner of his eye, he saw George reach into the pocket of the black hoodie he was wearing, Dream's hoodie, and pull out his phone. He caught a glimpse of George's lock screen, of him and George as ghosts hiding under sheets, an idea they got for a Halloween background. 

The brunette's phone was linked to the Bluetooth speaker above the fridge. A moment later music started drifting through the kitchen, and Dream grinned. He hummed along to Rihanna's Disturbia, while George bounced his knee to the beat.

Sticky dark brown dough clung to his fingers as he kneaded the cookie dough. Chocolate cookies always had such thick dough, moving beneath his hands like play dough, only with a slight grit from the sugar. 

Halloween One-Shots DNF + SBIWhere stories live. Discover now