Witch's Familiar DNF Part 2

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TWs: Minor injuries, chained up, very brief sedation mention, and cruel treatment. Smut at end of chapter (will be a TW first)

George POV

"You're sure that was the same guy?" George was walking with his two friends, Karl and Sapnap. The stone floor clicked softly under their boots, and George felt uncomfortable under the gazes of gruff-looking strangers walking by.

"As if I could forget what that fucker looked like." Sapnap grumbled. The thin chains on his black army-style pants swayed with each step.

George had gone to his best friends for help. Karl was a witch, same as George, only he had a familiar, Sapnap. The dragon, currently in human form, had instantly recognized George's description of the man that took Clay. Apparently, he worked for a more black-market sort of familiar shop, and his name was Sam. Luckily, Sapnap hadn't been sent to that market and had met Karl through an auction, but he'd still been captured by the same man that took Clay.

They were walking through a damp tunnel lit by torches, looking for the Familiar shop among the strange stalls lining the walls. There was assortments of illegal magic crystals, potions, animal furs, and even charm bracelets that couldn't be anything but dangerous.

Sapnap walked protectively around the smaller witches, glaring with flaming orange eyes at anyone who gave them a glance. The flame tattoo on his neck signified his contract with Karl, and George eyed the mark for a moment. Some strange part of him hoped Clay didn't have one yet.

"I think that's it."

George tore his gaze away from the mark to follow Karl's gaze. There was an old, rustic door pressed into the tunnel wall, with the words "RARE FAMILIARS" etched across a metal panel on the front.

Sapnap took the lead, swinging the door open. George and Karl followed close behind, noses wrinkling at the dusty, mildew smell. The inside looked exactly how it smelled. Cages lined the walls, each containing a different magical creature. George speed-walked through each aisle, scanning every cage. There was a bird with shimmering tail feathers, a winged serpent, and a three headed dog. Still no sign of Clay.

"Lookin' for somethin' specific?" An older man dressed in black robes approached George, offering a slimly smile.

"A werewolf." George didn't hesitate. "Do you have any?"

The man's hazel eyes flickered, and he waited just a fraction of a second before replying, "We don't, but can I interest ya in a-"

"George!" Karl appeared around a bend in the shelves. "Come here, I think we found it."

George hadn't even noticed his fellow witch had disappeared, and moved to hurry after Karl. The man jolted, his hand flashing out to grab George's shoulder. The brunette immediately spun on his heel, hands out and a spell falling from his lips.

"May the moon guide your dreams, clothed in silver beams as you drift in this restful sleep."

The man's body crumpled to the ground, collapsing in a heap. George didn't waste time on him, and ran to where Karl was holding open a door, the lock melted off. The culprit of the melted metal stood inside the stairway, holding a flaming hand to light the way.

Sapnap's eyebrows were pinched together, his strained expression giving away his discomfort. He said nothing, though, just turning to lead the way. The staircase wasn't long, soon opening into a massive room. Chains hung from the walls, and George's stomach lurched when he recognized the dirty blond cuffed against the rough stones.

"Clay!" George nearly tripped over his own feet in his haste. Clay's body was covered in whip marks, along with what looking sickeningly like needle puckers around his neck, just below a silver shackle cuff. He was chained to the wall by his hands, feet, and even his neck.

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