Sleepy Bois in a Haunted House

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In this one-shot, Tommy is around 14, while Wilbur and Techno are around 17. TW: Haunted houses do have mentions of bloody/scary themes, so if that is a trigger, please do not read!

"Are you ready boys?" Philza's chin-length blond hair shone orange in the light. "We should be heading in soon."

"I was born ready!" Tommy announced, while Wilbur and Techno simply nodded.

They were currently standing in a long line in front of a massive building covered in wood slabs nailed to the windows, "GET OUT" signs, blood splatters, and deep claw marks. Fake smoke blanketed the area, and the only light was from orange lanterns hanging from rusted metal arches. 

Screams tore through the chilly night air, mixing with spooky music, and every few moments an actor dressed in a creepy costume would jump out at those still waiting in line, eliciting more shrieking. 

Tommy laughed so hard he started choking when a demonic-looking clown on stilts came out of nowhere and made even Techno grunt-scream. 

"How many?" A woman dressed as a witch approached them from the smoke, holding a clipboard and walkie talkie. She had a beautiful black-and-orange dress, a crooked black pointed hat with an orange ribbon wrapped at the base.

"Four." Philza replied, gesturing to his three sons. Their mom had opted to stay home, enjoying the rare quiet time with a bubble bath.

"Only two at a time." The woman glanced at their group, scanning each member. "You'll have to split up." 

"Okay, thank you." Philza turned to his sons as the woman gave him a quick nod and moved to the people in line behind them. "Who wants to go with who?"

"Dibs on Techno!" Tommy looked at his pink-haired brother with glowing blue eyes.

"Uh, you know I think I will go with father." Techno smirked, and Tommy knew he said that just to annoy him. 

Mission accomplished. 

"What the fuck?!" Tommy glared at him. "Why would you do that?!"

Techno shrugged. "Its quieter."

"What, don't want to be with me?" Wilbur shoved the blond lightly. "Who bought you cotton candy earlier when Dad said no?" 

"Yes, but Techno gave me his jacket when I was cold in line." Tommy held up his hands, which were covered with the long sleeves of an oversized red coat.

"Only because you wouldn't shut up about how freezing you were!" 

"Boys." Philza rubbed his forehead. "That's enough. Techno is with me, Will you're with Tommy." 

"Next!" As if on cue, another witch waved them forward. 

Philza gave them one more warning look before disappearing into the entrance with Techno, the hanging black cloth swallowing their frames.

"Yoooo, is that real?" Techno's voice drifted through the fabric, followed by one of his monotone "AAHHHH"s and Philza's laughter. 

"You know, it's possible to have a heart attack in there." Wilbur whispered to Tommy. 

"Shut up, Will." 

"I heard from a friend that there's real ghosts in there." Wilbur nudged Tommy. "Better hope you don't get possessed." 

"Stop trying to scare me." Tommy swatted his brother with his coat paws. 

"Next!" The witch's purple sequence dress glinted in the dark, waving them forward. 

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