She's Home

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Summary: You have suffered from alcoholism for a significant section of your life but recently you have been doing well with your sobriety thanks to her. During one of her gruelling six month long missions, you've found yourself alone. When her return is supposedly delayed by another week, your longing has you fall back into old habits

(This may be a sensitive topic for those suffering or who have suffered from alcoholism in some way, so if this does effect you feel free to skip this chapter or proceed with caution :))


Yet another afternoon dawned on you. Another afternoon without her. At this point in the afternoon, the both of you were likely to be watching a movie or dancing to music or one would be reading whilst the other laid in their lap listening to the story. Moments that you longed for. Moments that you missed. Fortunately, she was due back the next night and just the knowledge of that excited you more than you ever though possible.

Six months without her had obviously taken it's toll. Normally, she was there every time things became too much for you or just when you needed her most. She would never hesitate to be by your side when it was required. However, without her there all hell seemed to break loose in your mind.

She always called you whenever possible, which made the situation liveable but the phone screen would never come remotely close to her in person. You suspected she would call soon, as she would normally be back at base around 10 minutes ago and she called you whenever she had the chance. As if on cue, your phone began to ring. The urgency to hear her voice was evident in how fast you picked up the phone. "Hi my love!" you rushed out excitedly. You noticed instantly her eyes were red from what looked to be tears. "Oh sweetheart what's wrong?" you asked anxiously, switching your demeanour to a different one entirely. One of worry. 

"Oh darling, im so sorry" she sniffled wiping her eyes and looking away from the camera. "Yelena, what are you sorry for? What's up Pockets?". She smiled briefly at the nickname but quickly returned to her upset manner. "Stark told me the conclusion of the mission has been delayed". Your heart dropped a little hearing that she wouldn't be coming home as soon as you'd hoped, but you just prayed it would only be for a day. You remained calm, not wanting to cry because you knew that would only make Yelena more distraught.

"How long has it been extended for?" you asked clearing your throat. "A week..". A week? It must have been a joke. One of Stark's little pranks. If it was, it wasn't funny. "That surely can't be, you're supposed to come home tomorrow". The tears you tried so hard to contain began to run down your face. "Oh i wish so badly that it wasn't right detka. I miss you so much, i just want to come home to you". It was evident she felt this way, but hearing her say it just made you break.

"I'm gonna wring Stark's neck i swear to God. Oh lord, i miss you so much too sweetheart. All i want is to be with you, it's been too long. A week is too long!" you cried, beginning to make frustrated gestures with your hands. "When i get back, i can help you wring Stark's neck. A week is way too long. Sometimes i hate my job". You cheered up slightly at her offer. "Sometimes i hate your job too" you confessed looking up at your ceiling trying to blink back more tears. 

"Something else i hate is seeing you cry love. You have such a beautiful smile, you deserve to show it off more" she complained. A dust of red painted your cheeks slightly as your lips curled up briefly. "There it is!" she laughed, sniffling once again. You let out a soft chuckle too. Just when things had relieved from the initial shock, a loud shout came from the microphone. 

"Belova! I need you out here, emergency!" a fellow agent yelled across the room. "For fucks sake. At least i saw that pretty smile at least once before i had to go huh?" she smiled wiping one more tear from her face. "I suppose that's a plus for you, yes. I got to see yours too so im happy with that". She chuckled lightly before blowing you a kiss. "See you in a week detka". You pretended to catch the kiss and put it on your lips. "See you in a week lover". One more mutual loving smiled was shared before the end of call tone rang out.

Yelena Belova x Reader ~ One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now