Baby Fever

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Summary: You and your wife Yelena have been together for several years now. You hadn't really talked about having children, but when Tony and Pepper asked you to babysit their new little girl Morgan, the both of you can't help but fall in love with the idea of seeing the other with a child of your own. (For later context, your mother's name is Inessa and your brother's name is Dmitri)


You were looking up peacefully at the ceiling tracing circles with your fingers into the skin of your wife's lower back whilst she snored lightly into your shoulder. Mornings like these were your favourite. The ones that you were most thankful for. Where you were most content. In your lover's arms. Safe. 

You felt her stir and lift her head slightly above your shoulder. She smiled at you with tired droopy eyes when she finally awoke to you admiring her features. "Morning lover" she spoke with her raspy morning tone. Her voice made you melt. "Morning to you too darling" you smile contently. She snuggled further into your side, although it seemed impossible to be any closer, playing with your hair twirling it in-between her fingers. Despite being impossibly close, your eyes never left the other. You looked into her earthy, welcoming green eyes, whilst she looked back into your loving (y/e/c) ones.

"You're so pretty" she whispered smiling a toothy grin once again. Her little comments always made you a happy mess. You let out a soft chuckle maintaining her gaze. You left a brief yet still passionate kiss on her lips before deciding it was time to wake up. "Come on sweetheart, time to get up" you said slowly slipping out your arm from underneath her. "Nooo, come back" she whined taking hold of you from behind your neck. You leant over her with one hand rested beside her and the other on her torso. 

"We've slept in plenty my darling. Come on, up you get". You lifted your leg over her to the side of the bed, allowing her to keep her hold on you a while longer. As you began to pull away, her longing for you gave her enough energy to slide slowly off the bed with a groan. She instantly collapsed into you, not bothering to even try stand up. "So stubborn" you mutter teasingly before picking her up by back of her legs and carrying her to the main room setting her down on the sofa. Thankfully, Steve had already made everyone breakfast and put it in the fridge with labels telling everyone to have a good day off.  You got out the breakfasts labelled for you and Yelena before returning back to you lover on the sofa. 

"I present to you the finest fruit salads for the fruitiest of women prepared by the Capsicle himself" you smile proudly handing one of the bowls and a fork to Yelena. She let out a hearty laugh at your jokes before taking the bowl and going straight for the strawberries. "You better leave some left when you're nearly finished because otherwise you'll complain you don't have anymore strawberries and ask for mine and i'm not giving up the strawberries today" you say rolling your eyes and taking your place next to her. "You say that, but if i asked you'd give me them in a heartbeat". She teasingly ate another strawberry obnoxiously slow. 

Despite her teasing, she was right. If she were to ask, you'd give her all of the ones you had left just to make her happy. "It's annoying when you're right" you smile, continuing to eat your breakfast. She reciprocated the smile, doing the same.


Around ten minutes after your breakfast, you had found yourselves playing hangman on a scrap piece of paper you found simply out of boredom. "Hmmm, is there an 'o' in there?" you ask. It was three words. Eight letters. "Mhm" she grinned putting an 'o' in the 3rd and 7th places. You knew instantly what it was. You grinned like an idiot once you realised. "Is it 'i love you' by any chance?". She wrote in the rest of the phrase and looked at you, proud of herself. "I love you too" you whisper kissing her temple.

Yelena Belova x Reader ~ One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now