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Summary: You are absolutely terrified of thunder. It scares the living daylights out of you. When a storm rolls around, you put trust into your crush Yelena to go to when you're scared. You and Yelena may as well be dating. You've established you like and are slowly beginning to love each other, but since the Red Room you've both struggled with commitment in relationships. So for the time being, you're best friends...


You were in your apartment as usual. It became apparent to you that your apartment was an absolute state so you had spent the last two hours cleaning it up. After all that, you were thoroughly exhausted and decided to reward yourself with dinner of champions and a mini Netflix marathon.

What was the 'dinner of champions'? You decided that had to be a pot noodle. One, because they're godly and you weren't that hungry; but also two, because even though you'd really started to love to cook because Yelena had been teaching you, you were physically unable to since your hours clearing. You smiled at the thought of you and Yelena's kitchen antics every time you'd learn a new recipe. She would lean behind you right next to your ear to try and throw you off guard and make you nervous and she would often succeed. But just as often, you would return the favour by holding her waist and scooting past her with her back to your front even when you had plenty of space to get past. You smiled when she would turn crimson red and have to stop what she was doing because you flustered her too much.

Once the timer was up for your pot noodle you grabbed it off the counter and went over to the sofa to start binge watching your favourite show. You turned on (y/f/s) and sat comfortably with your cushions laughing when a joke would be made. 

Around halfway through the third episode, your phone's text ringtone went off and you leant over grabbing the device. It was from Yelena. You did the classic dumbfounded love-struck smile when the notification popped up. 'Have you seen the sky outside? Its so cloudy! We've got a storm forecast for like 20 minutes from now'. Your whole body tensed at the mention of a storm. In the 8 years of knowing each other, you had never told Yelena about your fear of thunder. When you were caught in a storm she wasn't there to hear you complain she had never realised, especially with you keeping it to yourself because you didn't want to seem like a wimp. It was early days of developing your crush to be fair to you. You may as well tell her now. You didn't care anymore because you knew she felt the same so she wouldn't judge you. Tease you? Quite possibly. But not judge.

'Ugh, fuck. I'm scared shitless of thunder' you messaged back. 'Really? Are you going to be okay?' You found it incredibly sweet how she was so concerned. 'I'll manage. I always do :)'

Fast forward around 40 minutes. You were not at all managing.

You were buried in your covers pushing a pillow either side of your head to try muffle the sounds of the thunderclaps. Nothing was helping. The bangs were so loud and deafening that the head sandwich you were creating of yourself was doing nothing at all. You reached for your phone and pressed the call symbol next to Yelena's name. Well, her contact. Her name in your phone was 'Pretty girl <3'. You yourself thought it was stupid. Yelena however found it incredibly sweet and called you a softie.

"Hi, are you okay?" her soft tone rung through the phone instantly bringing you some comfort. "Not particularly to be perfectly honest" you chuckled lightly and unconvincingly. "Do you want me to come over there love?". The nickname always made a flutter apparent in your stomach. "No no, of course not! You can't drive in that rain detka, it's dangerous" you responded adamantly. "One, i've driven in ten times worse conditions and two, it's very cute when you worry about me". You heard her melodic laugh through the phone not helping with the flustered ache in your stomach. "Oh shush. Don't flatter me to get your way loser" you reply rolling your eyes. "HOLY SHIT BALLS" you yelled right next to the microphone, getting under your cover again as another massive thunderclap crashed in the sky.

Yelena Belova x Reader ~ One ShotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat