Mrs Fedorov

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Summary: Both you and Yelena had over-confident and smug personalities and this often caused you to butt heads and get into arguments often. Safe to say, you weren't exactly fond of each other. Your attitudes toward each other caused the team a lot of aggravation and Tony had enough landing you in a predicament. 


"Oh yeah? Well maybe if you stop being a prick, Stark will want you on a mission!" You yelled at Yelena. She was pissed because Stark hadn't let her go on the next mission instead letting you and Nat go. "You're only going on the mission because you're Stark's favourite, suka!" she retaliated getting in your face. "Of course you would be one to worry about being the favourite" you remarked about her always being considered inferior to Nat in an elevated whisper. It was a low blow but you were pissed off and it just came out.

 She took a step back with a seemingly annoyed look on her face. "Proud of yourself for that one?" she inquired back clearing her throat. You weren't proud of yourself for that at all. You knew it stung her to hear and to be honest that was your intention, but when the words left your mouth, you felt a slight wave of guilt. Instead of answering her, you put your head down looking to the floor. You heard her scoff and a few footsteps as she left. 


You laid on your bed, scrolling mindlessly on your phone before a knock on the door interrupted you. "Come in". Tony opened the door and asked if he could sit and you responded with a nod and a brief smile. "Listen kid, i'm sure you probably don't want to talk about it all but uh....half the compound heard your argument with Belova earlier" he informed you, whilst you sat up straight. You sighed with discontent. "I didn't think. I know that she's always been compared to Nat her whole life and i knew it would get under her skin so i said it. I regretted it when i said it" you confessed to him.

"I know, i know...but something has to be done about you and Belova, this happens too many times a week". You nodded although you didn't agree. You felt you could deal with the arguments and the insults you got from the blonde. "Come with me, i've got something sorted". Your eyebrow quirked at him in confusion, but you obliged following him out the door.

By the route you were taking, it seemed you were going to his office and your suspicions were confirmed when he turned the knob on the office door telling you to go in. Much to your dislike, Yelena was sat on the sofa across from the desk sharing a look of annoyance when you walked in.

Tony went around to sit at his spinny chair, while you decided to be childish and stay stood so you wouldn't have to sit next to Yelena. "Don't be a child im not infectious" she scoffed looking at you. You rolled your eyes taking a seat, leaning against the armrest. Tony let out a sigh pinching the bridge of his nose muttering something under his breath.

"Now ladies, i just want you to take into account that should you refuse this, you will be on suspension for 8 weeks" he stated sitting upright in his chair. Both yours and Yelena's eyes widened slightly as he said this urging him to get on with it. "I've talked to Nat and im switching her out and putting Belova in. You two will be doing this mission together". You groaned in frustration as you put your head in your hands. "What? Sir, we can't go a second without arguing in the compound, it'll be no better working together" the blonde interjected clearly just as annoyed. 

"Well unless you want suspension, it's going to have to be better" he said unfazed leaning back in his seat. You took your head from it's place in your hands looking up to Tony in an annoyed manner. "I'll literally doing anything at this point because there is no way in hell i'm going on a mission with her ass"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Literally 30 minutes later in the Quinjet~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You sat on one of the passenger seats looking through the mission file reading what you would have to do. Eventually, you and Yelena agreed to get the mission over and done with. Stark had never told you what the mission was going to be. All you knew at the moment was that you had to kidnap someone to get information.

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