Under Control

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Summary: 1 year ago, your wife went missing. It destroyed you that she was gone and you and your best friend Natasha had searched everywhere you thought possible, even asking Tony Stark to help. Eventually, you have a break through...but things are never that easy.


The sunlight seeped through the curtains, awaking you from another night of little sleep. You groaned in frustration that you would endure another day without her. A year and 9 days previous, she was gone. The distinct memory would haunt you forever. Waking up next to your lover and going to get breakfast in bed...and when you returned, the bed was empty and the window open.

'Morning detka' the blonde smiled. The sight of her in the mornings always made you melt. 'Good morning sweetheart' . You observed her features in the natural light. She was like a painting. The perfect picture. 'Would you like some breakfast in bed my love?' you asked sweetly, as you watched her eyes light up at the suggestion. 'You're amazing' she answered as she nodded at the offer. 'I try to be' you smirked as you placed a kiss to her lips, letting it linger a while not knowing it would be your last for way too long. 'I love you!' she shouted just as you left the room. 'I love you too!'

You decided to make her pancakes because they're her favourite and you knew that she had been craving them recently. You slid the food onto a plate, piling 3 pancakes onto each one. The strawberries from the fridge were put to use around the edge of them, drizzled in the same syrup that hung off the edges of the stack. You proudly looked at your work after filling two glasses with water and placed it all onto a tray. With caution, you took it up to your shared room panicking when the water would come too close to running over the edge of the glass.

'And i present to you....the world finest pancakes brought to you by Y/N-' you paused seeing the empty bed and the window open. You placed the tray on the table beside the door. 'Baby?' . You opened the en suite door checking to see if she was in the shower only to be met by an empty room. Where the hell was she? 'Darling, where are you? Breakfast is ready!' . Silence. 'Yelena, this isn't funny where are you?' you called out again walking out of  the room. Once again you got no reply. You rushed to Nat's room to check if she went to go see her sister. 'Is Yelena in here?' . Nat noticed instantly you were out of breath. 'No, i haven't seen her this morning. Why? Are you okay?' she asked concerned.

'I- Well i went to go make us breakfast in bed and when i came back she wasn't there'. Nat got up and walked out the room nodding to you to suggest to keep looking, whilst she joined you. 


'Detka where are you!?'




1 year and 9 days ago. The last time you saw her.

You stretched slightly and got out of bed, slipping on one of her hoodies. Her scent only just lingered on it, but it was her favourite so you weren't going to stop. You made your way down to the living room, grabbing an apple on your way. Nat was sat on the sofa and you joined her taking a bite out of the fruit.

"Hey, how are you feeling this morning?" she asked lightly, aware that the answer probably wouldn't be good. "I got 2 hours of sleep as usual, but how are you?" you asked moving on quickly from subject. "Good. No nightmares last night". An uncomfortable silence followed as it appeared Nat was going to say something more. "Y/N...maybe it's time we consider what might have happened to her". The look on her face alone just let you know that she was going to say something you did not want to hear. "Don't Nat" you stopped her standing from the sofa. "Y/N, it's been a year and we have looked everywhere! You need to accept that there's a chance she's not coming back". Your hands covered your ears in frustration, trying not to listen to what she was saying. 

Yelena Belova x Reader ~ One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now