Their clothes, hair and faces were a mess. Full with dirt and bruises, but they continued, either not minding it or not even noticing.

All the while you were just on the side lines, watching and enjoying the show, sucking on your lollipop. You wished you had some popcorn though. It would fit the vibes more.

''Oh-'' you exclaimed as you saw them stand up, staring each other down while panting.

''Y-you are not t-that bad Baji, but I will win!'' Mikey said, in between breaths.

''N-no way- I'm going to win..'' Baji wheezed out.

''It's getting even better!'' you cheered in your mind, quite satisfied with how it's playing out till now.

You honestly wondered how they haven't noticed you till now, but you weren't exactly complaining.



They both shouted at the same time, starting to run at one another as they both raised a hand for a punch. And it was like it was all on a slow motion.

The fists both neared their targets as you saw them slamming on each other's faces.

The breath caught in your throat, you waited for what will happen next.

They both stumbled back, but didn't fall down. The two straightened up again and went up for another punch.

And it continued for a while, with you completely immersed in the fight. So immersed that you didn't even notice them coming closer to where you were standing.

You were only watching their fists and footwork as they avoided each punch.

But then suddenly, you noticed a fist coming towards you. But you were too late to react.

''Agh-!'' you fell backwards as you felt something hard colliding with your nose.

''Wha-'' the both boys said at the same time, pretty surprised to see someone else had been watching them.

Then it was silent for a moment.

''A-are you okay!? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you! Mikey! Why did you dodge?!'' the raven headed boy panicked as he saw the pained expression on your face and the blood that started coming from your nose, as he shouted at his friend.

''What do you mean, why did I dodge- of course I will dodge! I don't wanna get hit!'' the blondie defended as he too looked down at you, concern on his face.

However before they could continue their banter, they were interrupted by a voice.

''Ah-'' they looked at you again.

''My lollipop..'' you pouted as you saw your lollipop had fallen on the ground.

''That is what you are worried about!?'' they exclaimed simultaneously.

''Well, I'm worried about my nose too, but that lollipop was exceptionally good!''

But they only stared at you in astonishment.

''Oh well-'' you said as you stood back up. One hand holding your bleeding nose, the other wiping the dirt away from your dress.

''I will be going on my way now, bye!'' you waved at them and turned around to walk away.

''Wait dammit!''


''Here, put that on your nose.'' Baji said as he handed you a cold water bottle.

''Thank you..'' you mumbled as you accepted it.

Right now it was just you two. Right before you could go home, they stopped you and suggested to treat your nose as an apology. You accepted and now you were in the Sano residence.

When Mikey's older bother saw you and found out what happened, he scolded them both and now Mikey is inside getting scolded by his grandpa too.

On the way here, they introduced themselves. Their names being, Sano Manjiro or Mikey and Baji Keisuke.

You three quickly clicked with each other and became friends very fast, but you and Baji especially.

''Hey..'' you heard him calling you out as he sat down next to you.


''Would you wanna hang out with Mikey and I tomorrow?'' he asked, pretty nervous for your answer. A slight flush appearing on both of your cheeks.

You stayed quiet for a moment, processing the question but then you grinned brightly up at him and said:


And that is how it all began.

A second chance // Baji Keisuke Where stories live. Discover now