Reagan hurriedly ran to shield Rosette. He didn't care if he got hurt. As long as Rosette was fine, Reagan didn't care about anything else. Reagan hugged Rosette's body, shielding her. Reagan waited for the sharp blade to sink in his skin, but he felt nothing.

"Are you alright Reagan?" Rosette asked in concern. Reagan was confused when he saw that the woman was gone.

Rosette tucked a strand behind Reagan's ear. "I've taken care of her, don't worry." Rosette reached to feel Reagan's forehead.

'I can't believe I just wasted a huge sum of my energy because of that senile woman..!'

'I just hope she enjoys her time swimming in the middle of the ocean.'

"Are you alright? Does anything hurt?" Rosette asked in concern as she checked Reagan's temperature and body for signs of injuries.


"Yes-? Ack!" Reagan pulled Rosette to a sudden hug. He held her tight in his arms, so tight that she couldn't breathe.

"Reagan!" Rosette's voice was muffled as her face was all pressed on Reagan's hard chests.

"Rosette why did you stay still and wait for the attack?!" Reagan spoke angrily. He was worried.

"And you're asking me if I'm alright- I should be the one asking you that!"


"Do you know what could've happened if that woman was actually able to- haa...Rosette!" Reagan's voice was shaky.

Reagan couldn't continue what he was saying. The mere thought of Rosette's life in danger is what he feared the most. Reagan's eyes started to look glossy. The overwhelming feeling of worry and anxiousness, and the thought of losing Rosette made his tears threaten to fall.

"Don't cry Reagan..." Rosette soothed him. She held Reagan's hands. "I'm fine, you see?"

"But still..."

'Reagan is quite sensitive.'

'I somehow feel happy to see him worry about me.'

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Rosette asked softly.

Rosette had decided to not ignore Reagan anymore. Because of the incident that happened, Rosette somewhat felt reliable for it, and she couldn't help but worry about Reagan more.

Reagan's glossy eyes stared at Rosette, he started to shake his head softly as to answer her question no. Reagan rubbed his cheeks on Rosette's palm before he pressed her hands closer to him. Reagan placed his face against the warmth of her hold.

"Do you feel anything wrong Reagan?" Rosette let Reagan be, as she also caressed Reagan's face along.

"I feel a bit dizzy..." He mumbled in her hold.

Rosette moved her other hand to his forehead, her hands dimly glowed with a red light. Reagan felt the coolness that flowed from Rosette's warm hand. Slowly, the dizziness began to disappear.

"Does it feel better?" Rosette asked again. Reagan soflty nodded in her palm. "Mhm." 

"Rosette..." Reagan hugged her again. He snugged his face on the nape of Rosette's neck. "I'm sorry Rosette..."

"What are you apologizing for?" Rosette rubbed Reagan's back as she comforted him.

'It must've been hard for him... He almost fell victim to that woman. If I hadn't come any sooner, Reagan would've fell to that woman's selfish desires... That spell that she almost used on Reagan would have made him suffer a lot...'

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now