The Memories

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"Did you figure it out?" Steve asks as he walks into Tony's office.

Tony does an angry sigh and shakes his head, scribbling all over his notebooks.

"I don't know...I have an idea but it could be risking....everything." he says. Bruce nods, "It may be dangerous but it could work."

"And if it doesn't?" Wanda asks. Tony looks at her with stern eyes.

I look up when they all come into the room again. "Hey science guy, come take out my IVs...please." I say. Bruce walks over and takes them out. I wince a little.

"Can you walk?" Bruce asks. I furrow my eyebrows, "Maybe, why?" I ask. Bucky sighs and walks over and picks me up, then carries me to another room, Bruce following.

"Is no one gonna answer?" I say, then roll my eyes. Bucky sets me down in this metal chair and then Steve walks over and they strap me down with metal straps, attached to the chair.

"Wha-What the hell?!" I exclaim. Tony looks at me, "We're gonna try to get your memory back..try to control your powers." He says, then walks behind this bulletproof glass wall in the room with Steve, Bruce, and Steve.

"Powers? Are you out of your-" I cut cut off by these electric things blasting into me. I scream and try to pull out, but I can't.

It was like I got sucked into a dream, reliving memories in a quick three seconds. My childhood, my Hydra training, meeting the Avengers... everything. It's miserable...

I scream and instantly my eyes and hands start glowing gold. "Shut it off! Shut the damn thing off!" Tony yells, then Bruce quickly shuts it off and the electricity stops.

Tony throws off his goggles and runs to me. "Oh my god...oh my god..." he repeats as I sob. "Damn it!" He yells.

I try to catch my breath through my sob, "It worked." I choke out. Tony looks at me with hopeful and scared eyes, as Bruce starts treating my wounds...the burns that the electricity caused.

"W-what?" Tony asks, then looks at Steve, who looks concerned, then back at me.

"It worked." I sob. They don't know what I've been through...the pain from the electricity mixed with relieving everything...

"Oh thank god." Tony sighs as he holds one of my hands, the gold fading away.

"Okay, you have severe burns'll be okay." Bruce says, and I can tell that there's more he's not telling me.

"I'll get the others." Steve says, then runs out of the room. A minute later, Loki is the first one to come in, running into the room.

He kneels down next to the chair in lying on. "Do you remember me?" He asks hopefully.

I smile a bit and cough, a bit of blood dribbles out of my mouth and I'm in severe pain. "I remember everything Loki." It breaks my heart that this is all just a mission..

Everyone else comes in and starts talking to me softly, smiling and trying to distract me from the blood falling out of my mouth and my burns.

I smile when Morgan runs up and hugs me, though it hurts, I hug her back. "I love you 2000." She says. I chuckle, "I love you too..." I say. Tony scoffs and chuckles, "She loves me 3000." He says, then we all laugh.

After a while, Wanda and Peter help me up to my room and I lay down. These burns hurt like hell... Bruce put gauze over them all.

My entire body hurts so much. It's now 4 am and I can't sleep. I'm just staring out my giant window, looking over the skyline on the city.

I jump a little when I hear my door open. I look over and see Loki, and he just looks at me.

"My, my, my... why are you still awake?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow, "Why are you in my room?" I ask.

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer too." He says, then grins. I chuckle a bit and cough, then smile.

"Hey...I've been thinking..." I say slowly. "Yes?" Loki says, looking intrigued as he leans against the wall, next to the door.

"Morgan said something earlier and I want you to know... it instantly reminded me of you." I say. "What is it?"

"I love you 3000." I say, then the room is completely silent. Loki looks at me, "You mean it?" He asks. "I mean it 3000 times." I say. He smiles and leaves the room.

Nothing Hurts Anymore, I feel kinda freeWhere stories live. Discover now