I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry." I say with a shaky voice, tears rolling down my cheeks. I pull my sleeves of the sweater I'm wearing over my hands....

"I had too." I cry quietly. The room is dark...I feel like a monster.

Tony looks at me with a stone cold expression. He takes off his glasses, "What?" He says.

Peter looks at me... I can't handle this.. "But..I- I trusted you!" He exclaims, tears on the verge of rolling down his cheeks.

I look down, trying to stop the tears. I start fiddling with the edge of the sweater.

Steve tilts my head up and looks almost angry. My heart beats faster...and slower...I feel like I'm dying.

"Tell me you don't mean that Y/N." He says sternly...I can't do anything but choke on a sob. He turns around and walks towards the wall, leaning against it.

I see Natasha staring at me, tears wanting to fall from her eyes. She just sits at one of the chairs and stares at the ground... I hurt Nat..

Thor chuckles a little, "This is a good joke Y/N..." I start to sob quietly and then collapse to the ground and he knows I'm not joking. His expression goes to a hurt and confused.

Loki looks at me, angry and sad...torn apart... "Loves.." I say quietly, sobbing. He shakes his head, tears about to fall.

"You are lying." He says, then pulls me up to stand by my shoulders, holding me against a wall, "Lying!" He yells, a few tears fall.

His expression softens and he becomes less harsh, "...Say that your lying." He says in almost a whisper.

I just stare back at him as he let's me go, then walks to the other side of the room. I keep sobbing, my heart aching.

Bruce, standing on the other side of the room is struggling to not cry.

"How could you?!" Wanda exclaims, tears falling. "Wanda I'm...I'm so sorry.." I sob. She looks so hurt and angry, "Save it Y/N!" she says.

Vision puts a hand on her shoulder and stares at me with no emotion, as usual. "Why?" He says quietly.

I continue to sob, not answering... I can't answer... I don't know why anymore... He hugs Wanda, comforting her.

I look behind me and Bucky looks at me..extremely hurt.. "Buck-" I start. "Shut the hell up!" He yells, then runs out of the room.

I can't handle this...

Sam looks at me, holding back tears. I look back at him and my eyes are glossy.

"Was it worth it?" He asks quietly, still staring at me. I stare back, not answering.

He gets angrier and yells, "Was it worth it?!?" I flinch and back up a bit, then Bruce puts a hand on his shoulder and makes him back up.

"Damn it." I hear Sam say quietly as he walks to the other side of the room with Bruce, and I know he's crying.

"You damn screwed up Y/N." Tony says, then leaves the room with Nat and Steve. Sam and Bruce follow behind.

"I hope you completed your mission." Wanda sneers at me as she and Vision walk away with Thor.

I can't hold back the sob as my deep brown long hair frames my face and I pull the collar of my sweater away from my neck a bit. I collapse, crying.

Peter walks up to me and just looks at me crying, "What am I gonna tell Morgan?" He cries. "I'm so sorry.." I sob, then he leaves, walking out quickly.

Everything I've ever cared about is being torn apart.

Loki, being the last one in the dark room with me comes closer, the light from the tv being to only light, with faint noise in the background. He lifts my head up and I look him in the eyes.

"I've done alot of wrong in my life but always fixed it." He says quietly. "You can't fix this." He says, then stands up and leaves.

I keep staring straight ahead with tears falling down onto my sweater.

Nothing Hurts Anymore, I feel kinda freeWhere stories live. Discover now