All clothes that Theo and I bought him. He literally cane to us with just the clothes on his back.

"You ready to get going?" I ask while adjusting Mila in my arms. Her head is resting on my shoulder and her arms are tucked against my breasts.

"I guess so, yeah." Kai replies while standing up off of the breakfast stool he was sitting on.

I gesture for him to follow me into the garage and he helps me put Mila in the car. "What's wrong with her? Why is she so floppy?" Kai asks from the backseat.

"She's just sleepy." I respond nervously while backing out of the driveway.

"Hazel, if I tell you something; do you promise not to be mad at me?" Kai asks anxiously.

I have no idea what Kai's about to tell me, but I could never be mad at this boy. "Yeah, go ahead."

"I know about Mila. I mean, I know her real age and your whole lifestyle. When I was going through the house a couple days ago, I found a box with a bunch of papers in it in your office. The box had Mila's birth certificate in it.

"Her original birth certificate. At first I was freaked out and I didn't understand it. So, I pulled up Google. It explained something called age-regression. I still don't know why she's so small." Kai finishes on a large breath and I about swerve the car off the road at his admission.

"Mila has a undiagnosed disorder that she was born with. We think it's a form of dwarfism but the doctors aren't sure. Mila's parents left her when she was six all alone in a apartment. She lived in foster care until we met her.

"There's more to the story but that's for a different time. Are you okay with our lifestyle? You aren't weirded out or anything?" I ask anxiously while taping my fingers on the steering wheel.

We're stopped at a red light and I look back at Kai in the review mirror. He's currently staring at Mila and playing with her fingers. "At first I thought it was weird, but then I thought about how nice it would be to relive my childhood and changed my mind.

"It isn't for me. I wouldn't like to wear diapers or act lesser than my age, but I can see the drawl in it for you guys. I still love all of you, though. Especially Mila."

That's the first time Kai has openly admitted that he's loved us. It warms my heart and the tension that I was holding in my shoulders, leaves my body. "I'm glad. When we get home, I'll explain why we're like this. For now, let's just focus on the visit."

The rest of the car ride is filled with a peaceful silence. Mila is asleep in the backseat and I hope she stays that way.

I pull into the parking lot at IHOP, and park the car. It's not that busy, something I'm grateful for. "Can I get Mila out of the car?" Kai asks.

"Sure, but you have to be careful of her head and neck. You asked why she was so floppy, it's because she's in newborn headspace." I tell him while stepping out of the car.

Kai is already at Mila's side and has the door open while he unstraps Mila. She's awake and blinking drowsily up at Kai. "Hi, baby! You ready to get some nom noms?" He asks while carefully lifting her out.

Mila's head rolls back a little bit and I adjust Kai's hands. I help him rest her head on his shoulder, then grab the diaper bag out of the car. "Let's get this over with."

We walk into the restaurant and I instantly spot Kai's social worker sitting next to a gaunt looking older woman. "That's my Mom" Kai whispers while pointing at the woman.

She has Kai's black hair, but with dull brown eyes. Her cheeks are shallow and there's dark purple shadows under her eyes. "Is she sick?" I whisper back.

Small But Mighty (Age-Regression) Where stories live. Discover now