Fevers and Doctors

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Hazel POV:

Soft whimpers infiltrate my sleep that turn into full blown cries. I shoot up into a sitting position and turn my head towards Mila's crib. She's sitting up in her crib, sobbing her little heart out. Her cheeks are red and little tears make their way down her face.

I push the covers off my body and make my way over to my crying baby. Mila makes grabby hands at me as I approach the sides of her crib and I smile softly. "What's the matter, pea?" I coo while lifting her up.

As soon as her body touches mine I immediately notice that she's hot. I mean really, really hot. She's only wearing a pair of pink pajama pants and a matching t-shirt with an owl on it, and they're both soaked through with sweat.

Rushing into the bathroom, I grab the thermometer and run it across her forehead. Mila sobs the whole time I wait for her temperature to register. When it comes back as 103.2, I rush over to Theo and wake him. "Theo, wake up. We need to take Mila to the ER. She's running a high fever and won't stop crying." I yell frantically.

Theo wakes up and his eyes widen when he realizes what I just said. He shoves the blankets off himself and begins to pack a bag methodically, no questions asked. "I'll go wake Kai. He'll have to come with us." Theo tells me after he finishes packing the bag.

Mila's still sobbing in my arms and I'm trying desperately to calm her. It's not working and she continues to cry into my neck. "You have to get some clothes on first, Theo." I tell him right as his hand reaches for the knob on our door.

In his panic, he must've forgot that he's shirtless and only wearing a pair of boxer briefs. "Shit, sorry." He curses as he rushes towards the closet.

After throwing on a pair of sweats, he approaches me and takes the sobbing baby out of my arms so I can go get dressed.

I quickly put on a nursing bra, a pair of sweatpants, and one of Theo's hoodies before leaving the closet. Mila's still crying her little heart out when I enter the room.

Theo's trying desperately to calm her down but it isn't working. "Here, you take her and I'll get Kai." He says while handing me the baby.

Mila's blonde hair is soaked through with sweat and snot is bubbling out from under her nose. "Okay. Hurry." I tell him before following him out of the room.

Instead of heading to Kai's room with Theo, I make my way downstairs and grab the diaper bag that's sitting on the kitchen corner. Luna who was previously resting in her dog bed, comes over to me and whines softly. "She's okay, Luna. We're going to take her to the doctors." I tell the worried dog.

Luna paws at my foot and I walk over to the back door to let her outside. She doesn't do anything besides sit down and whine more. It's clear that she's worried about Mila but I don't have the time to comfort her right now. Mila's still screaming her head off and I'm worried about the baby right now.

I shut the back door and make sure it's locked, before moving into the kitchen. Opening the freezer door, I stuff four bags of pumped milk in the diaper bag. I'm not sure if Mila is going to want to nurse at the hospital but I would rather she have some milk to drink if she needs it. Even if it is in a bottle.

I'm zipping up the diaper bag when I hear two sets of footsteps race down the stairs. Theo and Kai come into view and Kai looks worriedly at Mila. "Is she okay? What's wrong?" He asks frantically while running his hand through his messy, black hair.

"She has a high fever. We're going to the emergency room so get some shoes on." I tell him while making my way to the garage.

Kai slips on his shoes while Theo gets the car started. When I go to place Mila in her carseat, she clings to me and sobs harder. "I know, pea. But you have to go in there. Mama will get you out as soon as possible." I whisper while buckling her in.

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