Chapter 41

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It was getting dark outside. They had been walking all day.

"We should set up camp before the fireflies come," Aiden said.

"I think they stay close to the water," James said. "We might be okay. We should keep going."

"No..." Vera panted. "I'm drawing the line here. I'm not taking another step."

"We've been at it all day, James," Aiden said. "Let's set up camp. I'm starving."

"There might be snakes around."

"We'll set up a fire. Snakes hate fire, right? I think I saw that on a movie somewhere."

"You do that," Vera said. "I'm going to sit here and let you build whatever camp you want to."

She took off her shoes and massaged her feet.

"Okay, I know you're a girl, but that's gross," Aiden said.

"What? If I don't do this, they'll be sore in the morning."

"You can keep doing... foot stuff," James said. "I'll get us some firewood. Aiden, can you clear out some dirt and make a small floor?"

"Sure thing, boss."

James left. Aiden looked at Vera and shook his head.

"Girls are weird..."

"What's that?"


He cleared away a spot on the ground and started throwing down a bunch of leafy branches.

"What are you doing?" Vera asked.

"Making a shelter. What does it look like?"

"Looks like you're making a mess."

"Okay, Michaelangelo. How do?"

"Didn't you pay any attention when we were building them at the ship?"

"No, I was too busy plotting. You know how I am."

"I don't know if that was sarcasm or not."

"Take it as you will. You wouldn't believe me anyway."

"Okay. Watch me."

She took the green palms and tore them in strips. She started weaving them together.

"That looks like a lot of work," he said.

"It is if you're doing it alone. Just copy me."

She wove them some more. Aiden went in behind her and followed her instructions. Most of the time, he could only focus on her breathing. He felt himself get distracted by her.

"This is cool and all, but it's almost dark. I don't think we have time to do this with grass," he said.

"The same works with branches," she said. "Come on. I'll help you collect some."

Most of what they gathered was small trees pulled out of the ground because they were more flexible. By the time they were done, James had come back with the firewood necessary. He threw it down and stretched.

"Okay. Does anyone know how to start a fire?"

Aiden and Vera just looked at him.

"You gathered firewood... and don't know how to make a fire?" Vera asked.

"I never said I was starting it," he said.

Aiden rubbed his face.

"Take two sticks and rub them together like cavemen. That's our options. Best camping trip ever!"

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