Chapter 17 - What's Really Important

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London held her breath, and her friends did as well. Oh, her father's face was probably red with anger. She heard him chuckle, but it wasn't a happy chuckle. "You wouldn't do that, Mr. Covington, just so those clueless teenagers can see each other."

"Stopping the revenue will not do my company one bit of harm. On the contrary, it will benefit my company. My Board and other associates have actually advised me in the past to stop the revenue since Tipton Enterprises asks for quite a sum."

"Then let us make a business deal that doesn't have to do with our children."

"You know that our children are far more important than our companies. I would do anything for my daughter. Wouldn't you?"

There was silence for a moment, and then Mr. Tipton said, not really answering the question, "Yes, our children are very important, but so is image and business."

"And you will lose more of your good image, as well as some of your business, when you lose collaboration with my company. I urge you to think about what the best option is for your company as well as your daughter—the two most important things in your life. Are you willing to sacrifice both of them for the sake of image?"

There was silence for a moment, and Bailey whispered, "Ooo, he really got him there. He won't be able to refuse now."

"Yeah, he gave him an ultimatum," Cody whispered.

London had no idea what an ultimatum was, but she knew that her father was in a bind. She knew that Mr. Covington was a large asset to Tipton Enterprises, and without giving the company money, it would suffer. At least, until her father finds another source of money. It was doubtful that he would since the amount that Tipton Enterprises needed was a high amount. Well, high in any normal person's eyes. She could understand why her father was having a hard time responding to this.

"This is all a bluff," Mr. Tipton said.

"I assure you that I am very serious," said Mr. Covington.

There was silence again, and London and her friends leaned in more to the door, and she could hear her heart hammer through her ears. How did her heart get into her ears? It didn't matter. What was her father going to say next?

"I think this is it," Casey said.

"The anticipation is killing me," whispered Woody. "Is Mr. Tipton going to allow Zack to come back or not?"

They all listened in, and finally, Mr. Tipton said, "Fine. Fine, you win. Zack Martin can come back to Seven Seas High."

London couldn't help herself—she screamed and pushed her friends aside and went on into in the suite. Mr. Tipton was there in the living room area as Mr. Covington stood before him. "Daddy, are you serious?" she exclaimed, and she felt tears sting her eyes from her happiness. "Zack can come back?"

Mr. Tipton's expression turned from annoyed to loving. He came up and stood in front of his daughter. "Yes, London. I suppose I just needed to see where my priorities lie. I was putting Tipton Enterprises before your happiness. If you want to date this Zack Martin, then okay. Just know that I won't like it, and I won't like the publicity that will come from it."

"People already know that we we're dating," London said and then embraced her father. Those tears came. "Thank you so much, Daddy."

He wrapped his arms around his daughter. "You're welcome."

They stood out of the embrace, but Mr. Tipton still had his arm around London. He told Mr. Covington, "There is no need to hold the money. I will allow London and Zack to be on the ship at the same time."

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