Kryptonian Vs Kryptonian

Start from the beginning

"Kryptonian?" Clark said in horror.

"What gave it away?" Stiles snarled, launching himself forward again, this time Superman was ready he tried blasting Stiles with heat vision but Stiles blocked it with his own.

Through the haze of his heat vision Stiles continued to fly towards Superman, punching him in the face, sending him soaring through the air.

"Child, you fight on the wrong side," Superman tried to reason, throwing a punch, but Stiles caught it, making an echo across the ruins of the city.

"I'm twenty five, dude," Stiles said,"I'm not a kid."

"Batman has manipulated you," Superman said.

"You burned down your whole fucking world!" Stiles yelled,"Last I checked Batman doesn't brand the moon with that symbol!"

"Enough!" Superman said, finally landing a blow on Stiles, punching him back down to the ground making a crater, but Stiles didn't even feel it.

Superman finally saw the symbol on Stiles' shirt.

"Why do you have my symbol?" Clark demanded,"THAT'S MINE!"

"Want me to show you how much I care what's yours?" Stiles said, flying back up and grabbing Superman and they clashed in the sky, but Stiles knew exactly where he was going.

Holding his breath Stiles left the atmosphere dragging Superman with him.

Back down on Earth, Batman fought what remained of the Justice League alongside John who had portaled in.

But everyone paused and looked up when they heard a deafening crack that echoed across the whole earth.

Part of the moon had just broken off, approximately an eighth of it, and several smaller bits of it burned as they fell into the earth's atmosphere.

"What has he told you?" Superman demanded, as they fell back to Earth.

"Exactly what's happened," Stiles growled,"You lost someone you love and you put the world through hell because of it."

"I LOST EVERYTHING!" Superman yelled, punching Stiles in the face, sending him soaring through the air.

"SO DID I!" Stiles snarled, steadying himself and he blasted back forward, punching Superman mid-flight and zooming forward to hit him again,"I lost my planet, I lost my friends, I was stuck in a void filled with monsters for two years without any powers! The woman that I loved moved on! My father died! And everyone forgot about me! But I NEVER KILLED!"

"Who are you?" Superman said, as they both collapsed to some desert in the middle of nowhere.

"Don't you get it?" Stiles said, floating up and his eyes glowing a bright red,"I am you! Batman dragged me across the Multiverse to whip your ass!"

Superman launched himself at Stiles, doing his best to fight someone who could probably be the only one who could beat him.

Stiles' eyes turned red hot and he hit Superman with everything he had, and the Dark Kryptonian did the same.

"You can't win!" Superman roared at Stiles.

"You can't either," Stiles growled, flying forward and releasing several blows,"I will spend the rest of my life keeping this earth safe from you."

Stiles with an earth shaking kick sent Superman into the earth's surface. And Stiles followed, plunging himself into the earth's crust pushing Superman with him.

He felt the ground start to heat up as he continued to push.

'I need an edge,' Stiles thought as he and Superman went for each blow they could while rolling around in the earth as they continued to descend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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