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"Yeah, I did. What about it?" He adjusted the rifle on his shoulder.

"What were they talking about?" My curiosity took over, and my patience grew thin.

He sighed, "I don't think anyone told you this, but before Oliver was the Green Arrow, he was the Arrow, a more vicious version of the Green Arrow. He'd kill mercilessly and it was some cool shit. But I guess he had some mid-life crisis so he decided to stop killing or whatever. He promised Felicity that he'd stop."

"Huh," I muttered in response and kept on walking.

We walked another few miles, but at this point, I stopped keeping track. I didn't even know where we were going. Rene, Oliver, and I were used to the distance, Felicity however, was not. She didn't seem dressed for the occasion either with her fancy skirt and blouse.

Oliver abruptly stopped in the middle of the trail which caused me to bump into his back. He held his hand up, which pretty much meant shut the hell up.

He peaked out from behind his tree, his hands readying his bow. But he paused and looked back at us. He whispered, "I last remember an abandoned base being right here, but it's not here anymore."

Rene looked at him. "Hoss, you do realize it's been a few years since you've been here, right? You must've forgotten a few things."

"No no, that's not right," he walked into the middle of the empty space, filled with grass and dirt. "I vastly remember it being here, I just know it. . . this doesn't seem right."

We all followed him into the space. And it didn't feel right.

It felt too quiet.

And that's when they struck.


Ninjas came from around the area, coming out from the trees.

Rene shouldered his gun, well, guns. Oliver aimed his bow, pointing it at every ninja who dared to get close to him. I didn't have a weapon on me, but myself was weapon enough.

Talia came out from the trees, pulling her black hood down. "Shit," Oliver aimed his arrow at her. I guess they're old friends. .

Over a dozen ninjas surrounded us. We were obviously outnumbered, but I could knock all of them out when I got the signal, Oliver knew that. But I never got it.

I kept looking at Oliver, waiting. But it never came. He just stopped trying. I could've gone rogue and done it all myself, but Oliver has a plan. I know he does. I hope.

Yet, he barely spared me a glance, even as he dropped his bow on the ground, motioning for Rene to set his guns down as well, even as he raised his hands in the air and began surrendering , and even as the ninjas put chains on everyone's wrists, tightening them so they'd leave bruises behind.

It was only until we were walking in a single file line, ninjas surrounding us to make sure we wouldn't escape, that I got the signal. It was small, I almost didn't notice it. But Oliver had just tilted his head just barely so he could make eye contact with me. And when I looked him in the eye, he turned back around before any of the ninjas could realize what Oliver just did.

Working quickly, I used the same trick I used to escape from Oliver's cage, creating a key made out of water and putting it in the keyhole. When my chains broke free, they fell to the ground with a loud thud, and that's when the ninjas looked at me.

I spun out of the line and attacked the group of ninjas on my right. They tried to fight, but it was useless. While attacking the ninjas, I also unlocked all my friends' chains as well. And they immediately did what they did best: fight. Except Felicity. Out of the corner of my vision, I saw Felicity find a very thick and large stick, and when one of the ninjas tried running towards her, she quickly bonked him on the head and he fell to the ground.

Rene shot ruthlessly, shooting whoever dared tried making a move towards him, which was a lot.

Looking over at Oliver, he shot arrow after arrow without even thinking at where he was shooting. But before I knew it, he was soon one-on-one with Talia. I'm positive they had a fling or something, who knows.

A ninja tried to attack me from behind with his sword. I sensed his presence just as he was about to strike, and I ducked to my left. He swung the sword into the ninja who I was currently fighting, not realizing I ducked before it was too late. I continued fighting, I punched  a guy, broke a nose here and there. Yet, more and more ninjas came. It was as if there was an infinite amount of them.

But we kept fighting and didn't back down.

I was most worried about Felicity who had no fighting skills at all whatsoever, but she was just barely holding her ground. She was on the brink of being surrounded. More and more ninjas had noticed her as the weaker link and began going towards her. Without another thought, I knocked out the ninja I was currently fighting and ran towards Felicity. But I was just a few feet away when out of nowhere, another ninja jumped in front of me, brandishing his sword, and began attacking me.

"Bro," I mumbled, getting annoyed at the never ending amount of ninjas there were. This ninja had managed to nick my bicep, in which blood and began sleeping from the wound. It stung a lot, but I couldn't treat it or get a good look at it before this ninja tried to hit again.

This ninja was pretty good at fighting. Yet, I was tired of using excessive work to try and beat him.  So instead, I summoned water and pushed it towards him. The blast of water pushed him towards the tree. I heard a crack as he fell to the ground unconscious.

Dripping in sweat, I heard someone call my name. I spun around instinctively, not recognizing who had called my name.

My eyes set on Chase who had stood between the arch of two trees, his hood down, covering a majority of his forehead. A purple bruise was on his neck, which I believe was a courtesy of me. He smiled. "At least I now know why Oliver kept you around, eh?"

Being near him triggered my every anger left in my body, and I hated how it made me feel. Nobody had noticed that Chase was talking to me. Oliver and Talia was nowhere to be seen. And Rene and Felicity were keeping their ground against the ninjas. I know I shouldn't get mad. It's what he wants. He wants to separate us, but I won't let that happen.

"When I saw you controlling the water, I thought I was going crazy," he chuckled. "But it's real. You have the power to control water. So what I want to know is what are you?"

I took a step towards him but stopped myself. "I'm human, plain and simple."

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Maybe you got trust issues or something."

"Well what if I don't think you're human. No human I've ever seen has looked like you. You're special, Percy. We both know it. You're destined for greater things."

I couldn't help but scoff. I've heard this before. The whole 'we're the same, you and I. We can work together' nonsense.

I was tired of hearing him talk, going on and on about how the two of us could work together for better things, rather than be some low-life vigilante who brings nothing but chaos to Star City.

So I attacked.

Qotc- what's a movie you've watched many times before and will never get bored of it?

The Ocean ArrowDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu