Chapter 11 - A Talk with Mr. Tipton

Start from the beginning

The group of people greeted Mr. Tipton, and soon, the man and his guards were out of sight. The group dispersed and Zack went along with them as to not be seen by Mr. Moseby. Once in a hallway, he took a breath, and it caught right up in him when London ran around the corner.


Zack's heart pulsed in alarm. "London, we can't be seen with each other, not until I talk to him."

"I don't care. You're going to talk to him anyway."

She embraced him, and his will left him and he embraced her back. He loved how she felt against him, especially after not being able to hug her for a few days... and oh, how he loved that perfume! "London, I should go. We can't waste any time."

She looked back at him as they still held onto him. His will was weak again... He leaned in and kissed her, and she kissed him back. They got a bit into it, but Zack broke away, as much as he didn't want to. "Really, I have to go."

"You keep on saying that, but you never leave."

"That's because I love this too much."

"Well, I love you and you love me, and that's why you're going to talk to Daddy."

He nodded, knowing it was true. "Yeah." He let go of her. "Well, until after I talk to your dad. Wish me luck."

"Good luck. And by the way, I hate fake-dating Cody. It's disgusting."

He smirked, amused. "You and I think the same." He started walking away. "See ya. And remember, no matter what happens, we're still going to be together."

She nodded, and he walked on, and once on the other side of the ship where the Imperial Suite was, he stood a ways down the hall and stared at the doors that were guarded by two large men. Heart hammering, and knowing that he just had to do it, he went up to the guards and stood as tall as his five-foot-six stature would allow.

"Excuse me, I need to talk to Mr. Tipton."

"Not a chance, kid," said one of the guards in a deep voice. "Beat it."

Zack wouldn't take no for an answer. He fixed his blue plaid shirt collar. He should fib his way in. Well, half-fib since he really was the one dating London. "No, I have to talk to him. I'm the guy dating London."

The two men stared at Zack for a moment, and one of them touched his earpiece. "Sir, the boy who is dating your daughter is at the door and wishes to speak with you. Shall I let him in?" There was a pause. "Very well. I will tell him." He said to Zack, "He says to stay away from London or he will fly you back to Boston where you belong."

Zack gave him a challenging smirk and folded his arms. "Really? And Mr. Tipton is not man enough to say that to me in person? Wow..."

The guard touched his earpiece. "What was that, Sir?" A pause. "Very well."

The guard turned and held open one of the two double-doors. Zack's brows rose. Bad-mouthing Mr. Tipton worked. His pride shooting up, Zack went on in, and he tried not to let his nervousness show. He stopped when he came in and gaped at the large suite with fancy furniture. This was just the living room, too! How big was the bedroom and kitchen?

"Whoa..." he let out in awe. "I wouldn't mind staying in this suite."

"And you never will, not in your lifetime," he heard and looked over at the back of a brown leather sofa and saw a head above the back of it. "In fact, you wouldn't even be able to make enough money in your whole lifetime to rent this suite out for even a night."

Zack took a couple steps to the sofa, wowed that he was able to see the actual man without his bodyguards. Given it was just the back of his head, but still. "That may be true, but you never know what will happen in the future."

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