Chapter 9 - Real Heartache

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"I'm just glad that you think that way. So, how will you still see London if you refuse to leave your room?"

"Give me some time." He fell back down onto his back. He stared at the white ceiling. "Do you think I made the right decision? London and I are gonna be miserable."

"I think you did. I wouldn't want you to leave, either. Plus, just seeing London and being friends with her should be enough, right?"

"Hardly. I'm gonna want to hug her and kiss her every time I see her, but I won't be able to." He slapped his pillow. "Dang it, I hate this."

"No one said love was easy."

"Tell me about it."

Silence ensued, and Zack tried to keep the hurt down. He didn't want to burst into tears in front of his brother. The reality really came crashing down on him: him and London would never be a couple, just friends who really, really wanted to be with each other but painfully couldn't.

"Well... I'm not going to force you to go to class," Cody said, "but you can't stay in here forever."

"I have enough food in here to last me."

"Yeah, food on the floor that's been there who knows how long and could walk out of the room by themselves by next week."

Zack smirked for the first time since the day before and sat up. "Fine, I'll go. I doubt London will be in class, knowing how torn up she was with all this."

"What about her father telling all the teachers to keep an eye on her?"

Zack thought for a second. "Yeah, you're right." He fell back down on his back. "I'm staying here."

Cody pulled his brother back up. "No, just c'mon. You'll be fine. Since when is the Mighty Zack afraid of anything?"

Zack nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I'm not afraid of anything. I can face London and we can be friends."


The boys got up and left five minutes later after Zack got ready. He instantly regretted going to school when he saw London sitting there in her desk in history class. He went on into the room, and she glanced at him. They stared at each other for a second, longing in their eyes, then London turned her head. Other kids noticed and started to whisper among each other, asking each other about what was going on. Zack felt something pinch his chest.

"Fine, since you all are so curious," he said to everyone, "London and I broke up. Her dad didn't approve, so now, we're over. There, now you all can stop gossiping about us."

He went and sat down is his seat and Cody did as well. He turned around and said to Zack, "A bit insensitive, don't you think?" He nodded his head towards London who suddenly stood up and left the classroom. Zack stared after her, gripping his desk.

"I was just saving everyone the trouble of wondering what's going on," he defended.

"Wise," Cody said sarcastically and turned back around. "Just go talk to London and leave things on a good note."

His brother had a point. Forget class—I'm leaving. He got up and exited the classroom and heard Cody comment, "I meant after class."

Zack cantered down the ship, heading towards the girls' cabins, knowing that London was headed that way. But he stopped. There she stood, leaning against the railing, staring out at the sea. She looked so beautiful in her pink dress that went to her knees, and her hair wavy again. She wiped her eyes and got out her phone from her silver purse.

"Daddy?" she said into it, and then in a broken voice, "Are you happy now? I ended it with him, and I couldn't be more miserable! Good luck with wanting me to do better in school because it isn't going to happen because I'm so miserable and won't be able to think! I can't even think to begin with!"

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