When it all started

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It was a cold December night or- well morning considering it was 3 am.

Bane was only 6, and couldn't sleep from all the excitement about Christmas being only 2 days away.

"I'll just go downstairs and get a glass of water. Maybe I'll feel tired afterward." bane said talking to himself .

And so he carefully snuck downstairs staying as far away from his parent's room as possible.

He got a glass out of the cabinet after trying desperately to open a water bottle from the fridge to no avail.

He was just about to turn on the tap when he heard a noise coming from the basement door.


It was probably just his imagination but then again he didn't have that good of an imagination.

"hello? Mom?....dad?" He said quietly.

But nothing answered.

He decided to go and look for himself setting the glass down on the counter.

He searched the entire basement but found nothing.

Until he heard the same noise from the room his mom told him not to go into.

The door was wide open and unlocked .

his curiosity got the best of him so he went into the room to find nothing but a trunk that had a lock on it.

Conveniently the key was still in the lock.

"Huh. You'd think if she didn't want me to go in here she would've hid the key somewhere. I'll just open it to make sure no burglars are hiding in it or something."

A massive shadow was cast on the wall, but nothing was in the trunk so how could there be a shadow inside?

"ah... hello little one." the shadow said.

"You can talk? Who are you? And more importantly what are you?" Bane said very confused.

"You can... just call me your imaginary friend." the shadow said.

"Wait but what-" bane said interrupted before he could finish.

"That's not important right now.." the shadow interrupted.

"this time will be different..."

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