4: New

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Artemis' pov:

The hunt and I were preparing for yet another search.

Perseus, Hazel, Piper and Leo had run away, labeled as traitors. But it apparently had been a mistake, so Annabeth, Frank, Jason and Calypso had gotten rid of our greatest heroes. Father sent the hunt and myself after them, to try getting them back.

Poseidon, Pluto, Aphrodite and Hephaestus looked terrible. Poseidon looked like he had aged 38 years, while Pluto looked paler than usual -- which is nearly impossible. Even for the dead. Aphrodite stopped looking at her closet and makeup, and spends most of her time in bed or crying. Hephaestus doesn't talk to anyone, but stays in the forge for the whole day, leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night. He doesn't accomplish much in the forge either.

Annabeth is weeping on Percy's bed all day, screaming in pain, remembering that it was her doing that Percy had run away. In fact, the whole camp is feeling guilty, especially Chiron, since he was the one to literally kick them out.

James had been spared by Poseidon, whom claimed that he could not lost his only son -- though he did drive out his first one.

So now we were hunting down the four -- but, I'll give them that, they're good at not leaving a trace.

We've got over 8 girls in the past 3 days.

They claim to have been led by Spring, Fall, Summer the seasons.

Ok. So I was sitting in the tent, looking at the map of forests, looking for the next destination to look for the 'lost four', when Phoebe and Thalia ran in,

"Mi Lady! 3 girls have come! They say they want to join the hunt!" Thalia shouted as they quickly left, I stood up immediately and ran outside.

I saw three young, beautiful girls. They couldn't be older than 12.

I knelt down before the eldest looking,

"Who are you, girls?" I asked, gently,

"I'm Thea, daughter of Aphrodite, I'm 11 years old," the eldest girl said, looking at me, "this is Melody, daughter of Apollo, she's 5 years old. That's Cora, she's a daughter of Hephaestus, she's 6. We're all sisters, along wit Ophelia, daughter of Demeter -- but she chose to go to Camp Half Blood, but she might eventually join the hunt. We were told that you could help us." Thea continued.

I smiled,

"Who told you about the hunt? And how do you know about us and your heritage?" I asked, failing to hide my curiosity.

"We were abused by our step father, but a man saved us, and killed him. I'm forever grateful for that," Thea laughed a little, "Cora was the one outside, so he killed him in front of her, but then he helped us. We were quickly claimed once we were awake again. He explained everything about the Greek world, and said something about Romans. He gave us a possibility of going to camp, with males, or to the hunt with you, no males. We three chose the hunt -- if possible of course." Thea said, smiling a little,

I smiled,

"Of course you can! I can give you immortality immediately, but your other sisters...I'll wait until their at least 9 or older to give immortality. I don't want a five and six year old running around. Just one question, who's the man?" I asked,

"Winter. The first and last season." Thea said calmly, as if peace had just come over her. I looked at her, (just a clarification, I'll just stick to first and last season for Winter, since that's what some of my followers said on my notification on my profile. Any objections? They're welcome :P) what and who is he?

"Repeat after me," Phoebe said, "I, Thea, pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt."

Thea repeated it, and I accepted the pledge.

Cora and Melody also did the pledge, but with the 'eternal maidenhood' part, since I need them to grow a little more. I accepted, of course.

I smiled and turned around to face Thalia, my lieutenant,

"I'll go talk to Father, I must inform him of the new...seasons..." I said, not knowing what to call them.

I quickly flashed to the throne room and notched an arrow. I shot it to the sky, calling a emergency council meeting.

Zeus was the first, but everyone flashed in soon after.

"Artemis, daughter, why have you called a meeting?" Zeus asked, curiously,

"I wanted to talk about...some new hunters that have come. They all claim to have been led to me by seasons -- Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. I think we should look into this matter more, after all, they could be powerful, and we should know who and what they are." I spoke up, Athena immediately sat at the edge of her seat,

"Seasons. They died in the Giant War. Maybe they are new people to replace the dead seasons. Chaos gives 4 people in the universe the title of primordial of one of the four seasons and many other things. We should definetely see who these four are, and make sure they aren't a threat." Athena spoke loudly.

Zeus nodded,

"So it is said by Wisdom herself -- all the gods, including me, will search for the seasons and capture them." Zeus spoke loudly, the flashed away, concluding the meeting.

We all flashed off to where we were.

Well this will be a l-o-n-g year...

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