Chapter 6

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😱 I haven't updated this in forever...
But I've been waiting to do this chapter for weeks now... 😏
Let's begin~

Aria's POV

Zane and I arrived at school early the next morning, and went about our day as if nothing had happened the day before. Snow? What snow? There wasn't any snow at my place, you crazy?

I sigh as I get looks of disgust from my fellow students... They mock me behind my back, which isn't anything new. Zane catches my glance, and follows it to three girls who are pointing at me and giggling.

"... One second, Aria." He walks towards the three and starts talking. At first, they're all goo goo eyed and flirty... Then they turn shocked as he walks away. I giggle at their shocked expressions and Zane returns. "Sorry about that, Let's get to class." He chirps.

"What did you say to them?" I ask, curiously. Zane smiles, his cheeks turning a bit red. "Oh, just a friendly reminder... Could we stop by the library? Maybe it has some info on how I can get ho-"

"Sure thing." I interrupt and run up the stairs. Zane looks at my confused as he follows me up. "... Alight.."

I scan the shelves of the library, looking for anything on portals, alternate dimensions, or ninjas. I open a book and flip through it, looking intensely at the page. 'Cmon... Gimme something, anything! I need to get this kid home...' I think to myself.

"You really care, don't you?" Zane says out of nowhere as he picks up a book. I look at him and pout. "Care? About what? I don't care about anything, or anyone." I hiss.

"Well, you care about me getting home- or else you wouldn't be helping me search the library. You care about my safety, letting me stay at your place and getting us out of rough spots." Zane explains, his eyes skimming the cover.

"I... I'm just doing this so life can return to normal. Daily beatings, weekly fights..." I reply, keeping my eyes glued to the book. He was not winning here.

"Admit it, you do care." Zane smirks as he looks over my shoulder. I shrink down a bit and growl. "I-I do not!"

"Do too-"

"It you don't wanna get a punch to the gutt, and possibly a broken arm, I suggest you shut up and quit while you're ahead." I snap coldly, shoving the book to his chest. He looks a bit surprised, then smiles.

"Sure thing, Aria..."

... Do I really care?

~ Lunch Break ~

I decided to ditch Zane for the lunch hour, have some time to myself. He's hanging out with the math nerds. I don't really care.

Ugh, I say care too much. But I don't care, for anything or anyone.

I sigh and kick a pebble, hanging around the walls of the school. The school had outside cameras, to make sure nobody's hurting no one. Not like it ever helped me...

"Hey, Aria!" A powerful voice boomed to me.

Oh boy. Here comes mister ego and muscles.

"What do you want, Cage?" I snap coldly, making sure I have a rock in hand unless he attacks. He smirks a bit and cracks his knuckles. "What I always want, a punching bag. And the school's out of'em... Lucky for me, you're alone without your lil' boyfriend." Cage sneers.

"He's not my boyfriend, and this punching bag isn't gonna take any punches." I shoot back, not in the mood for this. Cage growls a bit. "You're gonna do what I say and stay put... Or there's gonna be trouble."

"I'm already in trouble. You're here." I reply, folding my arms across my chest. Cage hisses and lifts me up by my shirt collar. "You better hope you don't feel this in the morning, Half-pint." He hisses softly.

Oh I do. Every. Single. Day.

Cage then struck me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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