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"Two substitute teachers needed at Valhalla High School on Tuesday 12 o'clock sharp, high pay promised to the finest gentle-birds for the task."

Muninn glares at the classroom clock while looking over at the oddly-specific letter that he received earlier. 

A bit suspicious, but if it's high pay, he thought to himself, it might actually be worth it in the end. Rent is due soon and this opportunity is just too good to let go.

"Muni~ let's go to the diner later for dinner."

Together with him, is his comrade, Huginn whom he shares the housing woes with. As pleasant as it is to have good company, Huginn's whistling out of boredom is slowly draining him of patience as they wait for the students to arrive.

Annoyed, Muninn wonders if this was some sort of malicious prank, when suddenly the door slams open, revealing a smartly-dressed female prefect with gentle features. Though, that image of her immediately shatters as Muninn realizes that she was dragging a male student into the classroom.

"Just a little bit more, Ms. Randgriz. I could've finished my masterpiece!"

Randgriz smiles dismissively in reply as she forcefully ushers the male student into a front-row seat. Due to her inhumanly brute strength, the male student is seen remorsefully, sinking into his seat as though he has completely given up the struggle.

Before Muninn could ask further on the matter, five new arrivals appear, three of them being clearly prefects while the other two are questionably high school students.

"I see, the two of you must be the new substitute teachers. Greetings, I'm Tyr, the head prefect of this school."

Introducing himself, the fairly handsome male prefect offers handshakes to Muninn and Huginn, in which they try their best to return. His appearance would have been the perfect role model if not for his overly ornate necklace of medals that attracts the full focus of light inside the classroom.

My eyes! Muninn squinted enviously, trying to recover his eyesight. Is this how all kids dress these days?!

"Also, this is my fellow associates, Okita Souji, Isami Kondō and Randgriz.", as Tyr quickly points out the prefects one by one to Muninn and Huginn. 

The duo, Okita Souji and Isami Kondō are the ones standing guard at the doors of the classroom.

Meanwhile, Randgriz is seen trying to console the poor male student who is still mourning over his 'masterpiece'.

Muttering to himself, Muninn questions if this is a normal school but his train of thought was abruptly interrupted by Tyr.

"I'm afraid, we have other errands to take care of, so good luck!"

Bidding the ravens goodbye, the prefects depart from the classroom, seemingly heading off somewhere else in a hurried manner.


"Only three? Where are the others?" said Huginn as he looks over at the three students left behind.

Aside from the deflated male student in his seat, the other male student is in a rather foul mood, kicking around a piece of garbage while the female student was busy filing her fingernails, ignorant to her surroundings.

Nevermore ( Record of Ragnarok AU Week 2021 - Day 1 )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz