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·•◊•·A/N: Red head Clarke is just something else.

·•◊•·Word count: 372

·•◊•·Trigger warning: Fluff (Because some of you are ice cold and might melt reading this stuff), Needles.

·•◊•·Pairings/Extra: Clarke Griffin x Fem!reader.

·•◊•·Prompt: "I think my nurse is trying to kill me."


You scan the room, slowly figuring out where you are. Your eyes still adjusting to the what seems like a very bright light.

"Ah, someone's finally awake." a familiar voice speaks from near you.

Only letting out a tired grumble you slowly lean on your elbows to hoist yourself up slightly.

With your eyes now working again you see that that familiar voice belongs to your lovely girlfriend Clarke. She smiles down at you lovingly and it doesn't take much for you to smile back, almost forgetting your in some kind of hospital setting, almost.

A small but painful prick in your arm brings you out of your loving daze. "OW", you hiss at the awful sensation. "I'm sorry baby but I thought if I didn't tell you it would be better.", Clarke says shrugging. "Famous relationship ending last words." She just scoffs at your remark, turning back to the side table.

The doors open and in comes a happy Murphy.

You and Murphy had surprisingly been best friends since the ark and of course he was happy that you were in a hospital bed while he was walking around like he owned the world.

"Look who's awake." He says finding a seat next to your bed.

"Well I'm still tired!", You yell like a child.

Clarke just smiles at you childness before resuming something across the room. You take the opportunity to turn your body to Murphy and whisper loud enough for Clarke to still hear;  "I think my nurse is trying to kill me!"

Both Clarke and Murphy let out a chuckle at your words. "What, I'm serious!" You gasp.

"I would never babe, I love you to much...and I didn't just save you for you to be killed off again. what a waste!" Clarke says as she makes her way over to you. As she's finishing talking she brushes the hair away from your forehead and plants a soft kiss on top of it.

"Get some sleep baby." She whispers and with that your back in dream land...


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