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{ December 9th, Day 67 }

"Y-Yarai, I really... really... li... li..." Segawa struggled to say with a red face and tears in her eyes.

"So-Someone help! Hurry!!" Shigeno shouted.

"Yarai!!" Torako yelled urgently.

"!?" Yarai said, startled. He started running down the stairs.

"Ya-Yarai!?" Segawa said, reaching out for him, but he was already too far away.

"Sakiii!!" Matsumoto yelled.

"It's se-sensei, she...!" Shigeno yelled.

"..." Segawa stood there alone, shocked that he had just run off when she was trying to tell him something important.

Torako clenched her fists with her brow furrowed.

'It's happening again...!' she thought anxiously. She was right there, and yet...

"Se-Sensei! Wake up!!" Matsumoto yelled.

"What happened!?" Yarai asked, running over to them.

"Ya-Yarai! Sensei just suddenly collapsed!" Shigeno said.

"Suddenly, you say?" Yarai asked. He very carefully rolled their teacher onto her back. Her eyes were closed and there was drool on her chin. "!" The crease in his brow deepened. 'She's unconscious!?'

"We were talking and then she simply collapsed!" Shigeno said.

"Even though she seemed really excited and energetic until then!" Matsumoto said.

"It was like when she and Segawa-san fell earlier!" Torako said. "One minute she was fine, and then the next..."

'Yes, that was quite strange, too,' Yarai thought. 'Why would she lose consciousness?' He put his hand on her forehead. 'Seems like she didn't catch a cold and she's not feverish either. And if that's the case...' "Don't tell me... it's something brain related... Damn! If she doesn't wake up as soon as possible, the situation may turn dire!"

"No... No way!" Shigeno and Matsumoto said. Torako clenched her fists tighter.

"Ahh, Saki!" Matsumoto said when an out of breath Segawa joined them. "Something's happened to Sensei!"

"What... What should we do? Yarai-kun?" Torako asked.

"..." Yarai stared down at their teacher. "If there's something wrong with her brain, moving her could be disastrous. For now, shout at her to wake up!"

"All right!" Torako, Shigeno, Matsumoto said.

"Sensei!!" Torako yelled.

"Sensei!!" Matsumoto shouted.

"Sensei! Open your eyes!!" Shigeno yelled.

"Hey, you useless piece of shit! Wake the fuck up!" Yarai yelled.

"..." Segawa watched as she caught her breath. She saw how desperate Yarai was.

"Wake up, Sensei!!" Torako yelled. "Please! You have to wake up!"

"Hey! Do you hear me! Wake up now, you little shit!" Yarai yelled.

"Sensei, Open your eyes!" Shigeno yelled.

"Uh..." Kurusu-sensei groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She saw her students gathered around her.

"Ahh!" Shigeno gasped.

"!" Torako said.

"Mmm..." Kurusu-sensei moaned.

"Se-Sensei!!" Torako, Shigeno, and Matsumoto cried.

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