Chapter 4 - Smeared Makeup Kiss

Start from the beginning

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Good, he's not at work yet. But would he be at work today?

It was Sunday, and not many people worked on Sunday. She would know since a lot of clothing boutiques were closed on Sundays, which was completely selfish of them. They should be open all the time so they could serve rich people like her, a person who could give their stores all the money they needed to stay in business. Oh well. Their loss.

London stood near the stairs leading to the deck above the Sky Deck, wearing black pants and a shimmery purple tank-top, and eyed the smoothie counter. What was she even doing? Why did she make sure she looked extra-gorgeous when that was impossible since she was always at her max level of gorgeousness?

It was because of that twin who became cuter somehow in the past twenty... how may hours were in a day? It didn't matter. She just knew that he somehow became super hot. Maybe she only just noticed that he was hot? She shook her head. No, she would have noticed before. Someone just turned the hot button on him. Too bad for Cody—no one bothered to turn on that switch on him yet. Apparently, Bailey was the only who really noticed how attractive he was.

"Hey, London!"

She jumped at the sudden sound of her name and she turned around to face the very twins that she just thought about. She eyed Zack, who had an amused smile on his face.

"Looks like someone ate the jumping shrimp," Zack commented, and she felt heat travel up her neck in embarrassment. She stood as tall as her five-foot-two stature would allow, and in her shiny pink Gucci heels which brought her up a few more inches. The twins still stood taller than her.

"I didn't eat the jumping shrimp," she defended. "I promised myself that would never go near the stuff. I even called the kitchen to make sure they don't serve it on the buffet table."

She nodded her head in finality and both guys continued to smile, amused. Why? "Right," Cody enthused. "Well, I have to start work. See ya."

Cody abruptly left, and Zack stared after him with wide eyes, and he looked a little annoyed. Why would he be annoyed?

"Don't you have to work, too, Zack?" London asked.

"Yeah..." he said, still eyeing his brother with that annoyed look. He brought his gaze back to her. "Well, I guess I should get to that."

He walked away. She turned and watched him go as he wore that hideous work uniform. She felt her heart sink, and she momentarily wondered how she would get it back into the right place into her chest. She wanted to talk to Zack a little longer. No, she shouldn't bother with him, no matter how hot he suddenly became, and how nice as well. She was surprised that he insulted and then complemented her hair the night before, mainly since he never complemented her about her looks. She was also surprised that he grabbed her arm suddenly, stopping her from grabbing that textbook. She had locked gazes with him and she couldn't help her face heating up. That only happened when she was around guys that she liked.

Did she like Zack? Zack? One of the kids who always caused problems and ran rampant wherever he went? Someone who she knew for years?

It just didn't make any sense, like most things in her life and on this planet. The only things that really made sense to her were money and fashion. She shook her head and walked across the deck, dismissing those thoughts, and she finger-waved people as she walked by, even if they weren't looking at her. She knew they knew who she was—everyone did, after all.

"Excuse me," said a red-headed young woman who came up to her, wearing a tacky blue blouse and khaki capris. "Are you London Tipton?"

Apparently not everyone knew who she was. She would enlighten this girl who looked around her age. She flipped her hair. "Why, yes, I am London Tipton."

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