CH-9: 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝘀𝗽 𝗢𝗳 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗲

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It's the time of year for the Crystal Cove medieval faire. There were all sorts of knights, princesses, kings, and jesters all over. And there were also tons of games and some other forms of entertainment for people.

There was a girl that was dressed as a princess waiting for her boyfriend to show. Then she felt a sudden hand on her shoulder only to reveal that it was her boyfriend. But to her surprise, he was wearing a pirate outfit.

"I still don't understand why some people insist on dressing up like pirates at a faire for knights." The girl sighed.

"Because knights are boring. They're always "me lord" this, "me lady" that, "joust me" and "I got the pox." Pirates, on the other hand, are awesome." The guy insisted.

The two were about to head off to try and enjoy the faire. But then, the boyfriend had to stop to try and fix the sash he was using for his costume.

"I gotta fix this." The boyfriend foes off behind a nearby booth to fix his sash. Then he heard a low chuckle behind him and looked to see no one. Then a moment later, he heard of again and still nothing. "Hello?"

At this point, the guy was slightly getting nervous. But he calmed down and just thought that he must of been hearing things. When he turned around, he was startled by a evil gnome with glowing hands. He tried to escape, but fell over just as his girlfriend came to find him.

"You know, I could knit a sash in the time you're taking." The girl said.

She then let out a loud scream at the sight of the Gnome

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She then let out a loud scream at the sight of the Gnome. The Gnome had paralysed the girl's boyfriend with the touch of its hands. It laughed as it disappears into the trees and left the guy paralysed with a blue glow.


At the faire entrance, people were still going to the faire. No one knew about the attack and were planning to have a good time.

"I, Lord Barry, welcome thee to the Royal Knights Faire." Lord Barry annocuned.

There were all sorts of people dressed up as knights, princesses, and even some kings. Then the man greeting people at the entrance noticed a couple of geeks dressed as pirates.

"More filthy pirates, go hang out at a sea food restaurant." Barry muttered.

Meanwhile, the owners of the faire had noticed the man's displeasure. The two were dressed up as a court fool and a queen and were both annoyed for different reasons.

"I told Lord Barry he needs to relax about letting the pirates mix in with the Knights and damsels. I told him not to worry about the historical inaccuracies, more people means more money." The Jester then gets hit by the Queen's staff. "Ow!"

"Quiet, fool!" The Queen ordered. "Our faire should be kept historically untainted. Otherwise, who knows what sort of shambling low lives will arrive."

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