"Budapest." Fury replied. I had my eyes trained on Thor and Fury until I heard snickering come from Tony.

        "What is so funny, Man of Iron?" Thor asked, Fury's one eye was staring Tony down.

        Tony stopped. In reply he grumbled: "Nothing."

        "Good," Fury started walking towards one of the many metal doors, "Now we can get to business."

        "What kind of business, Sir?" Steve asked as we all caught up to Fury.

        Fury stopped and turned at the group of us. "Notice anyone out of the ordinary?"

        The group looked at each other, and at me, until their eyes landed on a certain Agent Phil Coulson. "Mr. Son of Coul?!" Thor's voice boomed, "You are alive?!"

        Tony stepped towards him, inspecting him. "How are you alive? Fury said you died, he said he watched you die."

        Coulson gave Tony a smirk. "Director Fury is very good at convincing. And I was dead."

        "Life model decoy?" Tony asked, a smirk on his face.

        "No." I could tell Coulson wasn't lying, but Tony didn't show any sign that he could tell if Coulson was lying or not, the moment made me smirk.

        Director Fury sighed, "No, Agent Coulson is not out of the ordinary, look again."

        Tony stared at him, then pointed at me. "You mean Alex? She isn't out of the ordinary, she's a friend."

        "Tony Stark? Friend?" A man, who turned out to be Bruce Banner, said astonished.

        "Well- actually, he was more like a... um... babysitter..." I said.

        "Protector." Tony pointed at everyone, I'm guessing adjusting my sentence. "Protector."

        "For a couple days, thank you very much." I retorted at him with sarcasm. "You did a great job at that..." I muttered looking at him. I gradually let my eyes pass over everyone else staring at me. "What?"


        Everyone was seated around a large, round glass and metal table in the so-called 'meeting room.' And from what I heard, not very many meetings were held here. Fury gathered us into the circular room, then left us to go do whatever Nick Fury does. I had my feet kicked up onto the table staring at everyone else. I was still in awe that I was in the presence of New York City's 'Saviors.' Even if a couple of them were missing and two have a dispute between each other. But of course, it was still pretty astonishing.

        "And you are, Ma'am?" I looked over to the voice, a curious Steve Rogers was looking at me.

        I smiled. "Heart. Alex Heart," I said the 'James Bond' way, "But please, don't call me 'ma'am.'"

        He smiled back and nodded. He stretched his hand over the table towards me, "Steve Rogers. Or Captain America."

        "I know who you are, Captain. Everyone does." I replied, shaking his hand. I awkwardly let go and sat back down. I turned my gaze to Bruce Banner, who was cleaning his glasses. "Dr. Banner, I presume?"

        He fidgeted with his glasses a little more before setting them on his face. "You know of me?"

        "You're kind of a big, green... beast. It's kind of hard not to know," I replied, awkwardness filling the conversation, "Plus I've heard of your work with gamma radiation." I quickly said, noticing the awkwardnes.

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