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Jubilation and sorrow,
The past and tomorrow,
The good in the light,
The evil at night.

These things that make up reality,
Exist in duality,
And orbit in harmony,
Around this place called Earth.

The wars of the world,
The peace of the country,
The heat of the fire,
The cold of the ice.

The money that seems to disappear down a well,
With the problems that build up and send goals to hell,
Don't you think about the irony of it all?
The era of people has risen and fallen,
Now it's the era of monsters that hide in your closet,

Or your house,
Or your city hall,
Or even your skin,
Don't you see the predicament we're in?

Money, I think,
Is the king of it all,
Though I don't blame it for humanity's fall.
After all what can a piece of paper do to us all,
Without our minds to give it meaning?

And without our oh so brilliant minds,
What would be our worth?
Money can give us a reminder of our place in the world,
Just as we are a reminder to it.

Money can be a force for good
Because our minds allow it,
Or it can be a cause for pain,
Because of the monster in our brain.

I myself have a monster,
That lives inside by heart.
A reminder to fight back,
And not to give up before I start.

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