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(Written on 22-12-20)

The end is near
Death is here
It has taken many things
And yet I smile because of the joy it brings

We all die
That makes some cry
But all things come to an end
You lose everything, your wife, your children, your friend.

We are mortal
We must end
Like the earth we walk upon shall too
We move on to a world we can't move from, just me and you

Death, the grim reaper, you have many names.
But what you do among the legends always remains the same.
You guide people to this realm, from which we can't return
You take us away even if the world burns.

No matter where you are
Even if your the brightest star,
You shall end
And that is fine.

All things fade with time.
As Robert Alton Haris's last words famously were,
"You can be a king or a street sweeper,
but everybody dances with the grim reaper."

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