F.Q. #11 (YULYEN)

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"LEE YENA WAKE UP!!!" Yena was thrown back on her bed because of the loud scream she heard. When she looked where it came from, she saw Hitomi standing at her front door.

"Yah!! Why are you shouting!?" Yena asked her sister, shouting at her as well.

"Mom Kkura told me to wake you up. It's already 7 a.m. unnie, and our class starts at 8. Now get ready, or we're gonna be late" Hitomi said as she threw the towel towards her sister. "Go take a bath now unnie, or else Mom Kkura will be mad at you" Hitomi added before she left her sister's room.

Yena had no choice but to stand up, even though she was still very sleepy. She took her pair of uniforms and her towel before entering the bathroom to take a bath.

Yena was in the middle of taking a shower, when she heard the door of her room open.

"Unnie, where is my charger that you borrowed last day?" She heard Yujin's voice outside the bathroom.

"On the side of my bed, on top of the cabinet, just look there!" Yena shouted from the bathroom.

Yena continued taking a bath, and when she finished, she immediately came out of the bathroom after wearing her school uniform. But when she came out of her bathroom, she was shocked when she saw Yujin was holding a box.

Yena immediately went to Yujin, and she took the box that Yujin was holding, and put the box back under her bed.

"Unnie what's that? A love letter? From whom? Do you have a girlfriend?" Yujin bombarded Yena with questions, after she saw what was inside the box.

"N-no, t-that's not m-mine" Yena said while shuttering.

"Stop lying Yena unnie, those letters are for you. I saw your name there. There are even love letters and flower petals inside the box" Yujin said to her sister.

"Fine, that's mine, but it's been under my bed for a long time" Yena said, looking at the mirror to fix her uniform.

"So you have a girlfriend? Who's Joyul? Is that your girlfriend's name?" Yujin bombarded her again.

"Joyul is not my girlfriend anymore, she's my ex-girlfriend. Now that I've answered your question, stop asking me" Yena answered her, then she looked at Yujin. "And stop saying Joyul. I gave her that nickname, so I'm the only one who can call her by that name" Yena added, and she took her bag before leaving her bedroom to go to the kitchen to take breakfast.

Yujin just laughed at her older sister. She didn't know that Yena had a romantic side with her ex-girlfriend. "Yahhh, Joyul unnie what for me!!" Yujin teased her sister as she followed her to the kitchen.

"Yujin, why are you shouting?" Chaewon asked her sister.

Yujin sat down next to her Mom Chae. "Joyul unnie left me in her room earlier" Yujin pouts as she teases Yena in front of her.

"Joyul? Who's Joyul?" Chaewon asked her while tilting her head.

Yujin felt someone kick her under the table, and she knew who it was. Yujin looked at Yena and saw her shaking her head, signaling her not to tell others about her ex-girlfriend.

"It's nothing, it was nothing unnie, don't think about it" Yujin said, giggling, as she started eating her breakfast.

Yena just pout her lips at Yujin before she continued eating her breakfast to go to school already.


"Take care, see you at our lunch later" the Kang sisters say goodbye to each other before they go to their respective classrooms.

Family Quarrel || Iz*one जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें