Revenge of the Zombie

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Name: Shivani Al Ghul aka Robin Hood
Age: 21
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'9
Parents: Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul
Trainers: Ra Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, and the All Caste
Weapons: katanas, throwing knives, and guns
Trained in: Hacking, an expert in Ultra Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Eskrima, Bascom, Vale Tudo, Ninjutsu, Rough and Tumble, Line, Silat, Taekwondo, Karate, Bokator, Combato, Shippalgi, Capoeria, Kajukenbo, Sambo, Dim Mak, Kyokushin, Bojuka, Systema, Kapu Ku'ialua, Arnis, Pugilism, Keysi Fighting Method, kendo, Kenjutsu, Fencing, Laido, Aikido, Destreza, Battojutsu, Kumbo, Gatka, Kalaripayattu, espionage, assassinations, bomb-making, explosives, and marksmanship.
Languages: Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Latin.

Time Skip
Shivani's POV

We arrived back at the apartment and changed out of our hero uniforms. Then suddenly someone came crashing through the window. "What the honest HELL RICHARD!" Red Hood exclaimed. I stared at the anti-hero in confusion as he ripped off his helmet and tossed it to the ground. "Shivani has been alive this whole time and you thought it was a good idea to let everyone else believe she was dead!" The black-haired man screamed at my boyfriend. Then he turned to me and I back up as I felt terror creep up inside of me. "And you, how could you do that to everyone?!" He burst. I searched his face for any sign that I knew the man but found non. "Dick, what is he talking about?"  I questioned with terror in my voice. "Jason stop!" Dick shouted. "No, I deserve answers. How the Hell could you do this to your family!" The man named Jason boomed. "I don't have a family, I don't know what you are talking about," I answered as I crept towards the window for escape. "Oooh, don't you dare deny it, you left your family," Jason growled. "Lazarus pit Jason!" Dick shouted. This made Jason pause and turn towards my boyfriend. "What?" He asked with a now-shaking voice. "She's been in the Lazarus pit, Jason," Dick affirmed. "So Deathstroke." Jason began, but before he could finish it was almost like I blacked out, but instead I saw what looked like....memories. I felt my breathing quicken as I saw myself training the same Jason from before. Then I saw myself training a green-eyed and black-haired boy named Damian. Then the scene changed and I saw myself in a yellow and black assassin's uniform. "WILSON LET HIM GO?" I screamed at Deathstroke. "FINE ILL LET HIM Go." He screamed. As he dropped my little brother in the canyon below. I raced after my brother and wrapped my arms around him. I heard the cries from above as the wind roared in my ears. I saw as I turned myself towards the ground to protect Damian. My body snapped as I hit the ground. Blood pooled around my still form, but Damian's steady breaths continued.

Third Person Pov
"Shivani!"Jason shouted as he watched the Brown haired woman in front of him begin to have what seemed like a panic attack. "What is wrong with her?" Jason snapped at his elder brother. "I don't know this has never happened before." Dick snaps back as he grabbed Shivani's shoulders. Suddenly she gasped and stared Dick straight in the eyes. "I died." She breathed out in a shaky voice. "Shivani it's going to be okay," Dick whispered as he pulled Shivani into a hug. Wet tears fell from her face as she embraced her death. Jason joined in on the hug, but it was cut short as his helmet began to scream.

First Person
"HOOD WE NEED HELP DEATHSTROKE TOOK DAMIAN AND WE ARE LOSING THE FIGHT." The voice of Tim screamed out. "Tim," I muttered quietly. "Oh come on you recognize Tim, but not me," Jason whined.  I rushed forward and grabbed my bo staff. I pointed it towards them. "I am going to defeat Wilson and you can either come with me or I'll knock both of you out now," I growled. The two brothers looked at each other and then back at me "I don't feel like getting beat tonight." Jason shrugged. I twirled the staff and rested it to my side. "Alright, but we can't kill him." Dick sighed. "Oh come on honey, do you think I would do that?" I smirked. "Yes Ani, yes I do think you would," Dick replied flatly. "Yeah, you definitely would kill him." Jason agreed. Then he seemed to think for a second when his head snapped up. "Wait, honey?" He proclaimed. "Ummm let's get going," Dick said as he raced to change. "This isn't over Dick face!" Jason screamed. I rushed to go change into my uniform. 

Time Skip
We arrived at the location where the fight was playing out when I leaned over to the two boys. "Spilt up, if we cover more ground then we can find the others sooner." I whispered. "Are you crazy that's how people get murdered in horror films?" Nightwing snapped back quietly. "You can only be murdered once." Red Hood replied in a hushed tone. I gave a lopsided smile at his response and crept away. I crept silently through the rafters as I followed my intuition. As I rounded the corner I saw my father laying on the ground looking dead. Red Robin was curled up on his side and Robin was hanging in the middle of the room gagged and tied up. Deathstroke knelt to my father's form and ripped off the cowl. He then proceeded to yank his head up by the roots of his hair. The famous Batman let out a quiet groan as he was forced to look up. "You see here Bruce, I am going to kill the last Al Ghul and there is nothing you can do to stop me." He snarled. Then at breakneck speed, he slammed Batman's head into the ground. I quietly launched a grappling hook and leaned back. Deathstroke unsheathed his sword and stalked towards my little brother. My father looked up at the scene and I jumped off my hiding position. The line swing me forward and I let go of it. I did a front somersault, yanked out my collapse bo staff, and held it in front of me.  I landed expertly on the assassin's back and placed the staff across his throat. Deathstroke reeled in pain as I choked him with the metal staff. He danced around trying to rid himself of me, but I stayed firmly on his back. Deathstroke went to impale me with his sword, but I leaned up onto his shoulders and flipped off of him. I landed perfectly and stayed in my pose. The mercenary stopped and sucked in deep greedy breaths. I glared angrily at the man in front of me. I heard Damian's quiet sobs and felt a deep pain in my chest, but I quickly stuffed it out as Deathstroke straightened himself. "Who the hell are you?" Deathstroke snarled. I smirked at his response and let my white teeth shine in the limited moonlight. "I am a demon." I growled. I snapped my head upright to reveal my green-glowing eyes. He gasped at the sight of my eyes and stepped back. "What's wrong Wilson, you look a bit pale." I commented as I stood upright. "You.....I watched you die." He trembled. "Hmmm, death can be such a funny thing can't it." I hissed as I pulled out the katana from my back. "Your daughter's death was nearly as cool as mine though. You know losing your life to such an ancient law like the code of qisas. The only problem is....well you don't have a Lazarus pit nor her body." I smirked. "Your dead!" He roared in denial as he threw his sword at me. I caught it with one hand as I continued to stare him down. "No, but if you touch my family ever again. I will hunt you down to the ends of the universe and then I will rip off every inch of your flesh until you bleed out." I threatened as I held his sword to his throat. Deathstroke didn't respond to my threat, so I pushed the weapon into his throat and drew blood. "Got it!" I snapped. "Yes." He yelped. I looked down at him disgusted and snarled my lips. "Get out of here." I hissed. With incredible speed, he rushed out of the decrepit warehouse. Nightwing and Red Hood rushed to the scene and saw me standing alone with my katana. I sheathed it and turned towards Damian. I rushed over to him and slowly went to remove the gag. Damian flinched away from my touch and wept out loudly. "Shush it's okay Dami, it's me." I cooed. Once again I slowly reached for the gag. Damian held his eyes shut as I sliced off his restraints. Suddenly he scrambled away and curled up against the wall. I slowly knelt down and crept my way towards my brother's sobbing form. "Hey, Dami it's me Ani." I whispered. I slowly pulled off my hood and mask. At the mention of my name he slowly looked up at me. His emerald green eyes searched me for something unknown to me. "Ani?" He sniffled as he looked into my ocean blue eyes. "Hey, Dami." I cooed. Suddenly he launched himself at me and his arms snaked around me. He held onto me tightly as he began to sob into my chest. I sat down and pulled him closer to me. I felt tears leak from my eyes and laid my head on his. I kissed his head and held onto him tightly. I listened to his breathing as it slowed and became relaxed. Nightwing walked over with my father leaning onto him. "Shivani?" Bruce questioned. "Hey B." I whispered. "Wait you're Robin HOOD!?" Red Robin shrieked. "Shush he is asleep and yes. I went through this whole death by natural causes, rebirth by Lazarus pit, loss of memory, and then return of said memory." I waved off. "You do know you didn't die because of natural causes right?" Tim asked suspiciously.  "Gravity is a natural cause isn't it?" I said as I raised a brow. "Dammit, you got me there." Tim breathed out as he leaned against Jason. Bruce pushed himself off of Dick and hobbled over to me. He did something I wasn't expecting. He pulled me into a warm embrace and rested his head on mine. I leaned into it but was careful not to squeeze Damian. We stayed still for a moment until Jason spoke out. "Um I hate to ruin the reunion, but Timmy here decided to blackout, and in my experience that usually isn't the best thing." Jason proclaimed. "Okay yeah, that's not good let's go home." Dick breathed as we carried the others back to the bar mobile.

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